Who actually is Saint Germain, and why is he referenced heavily in like half a dozen enlightenment era and modern mystery religions?

Who actually is Saint Germain, and why is he referenced heavily in like half a dozen enlightenment era and modern mystery religions?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Who would win in a death battle?

  2. 5 months ago

    checking to see if he's in the public consciousness?
    why? what'd he do this time?

  3. 5 months ago

    >Who actually is Saint Germain,

    >why is he referenced heavily in like half a dozen enlightenment era and modern mystery religions

    because i created them all.
    jesus is my son. so i was a zealot.
    and wrote tons on various ways to make sun worship real.

    Idk I got board
    every clone i make it defective.
    but my son is perfect.

    I wrote alot of books.
    if your not reglious it will bore you to death.
    this new body really sucks.
    but its better then the va- errr i mean the last one

    i've changed my face so much i forgot who i was.

    at anyrate alchemical reseach and the after life where my hobbies.
    and a cure for my poor wife.

    why did i make regilion it was a cope really to try anf get out of immortality.
    call it selfish if you like.

    my sons and daughters where suppose to make
    an escape if some kind from the demiurge
    you see he's been torturing me for years and years

    and humm
    well i got fed up
    an thought regilion could help me solve immortality or reverse it.

    But i also wanted a way to acsend again
    I just wanted more contorl over my own reality
    I want to master it fully

    people laugh at me alot but i traveled the galaxy looking for answers to the immortality question.
    but every answer just made my condition worse

    I wanted my mortality back and cure my curse
    and hers.

    that pic it from a time when i was even more sick then i am now
    "the cure" turned my hair chocolate brown.
    and my eyes green but weridly my kids are still blonde and blue eyed

    the effects of these colours are form a ancient nepheillium bio weapon that caused me to not have any girls after a certain year

    and making the female sex with my sperm would not work. i'm still effected by the genophage
    the after effects of the gaints and the reptilians trying to destroy the annunki race.
    so we rely on cloning to live.

    I'm not really sure its living anymore if i'm honest.

    • 5 months ago

      You crazier than a bed bug

  4. 5 months ago

    I just haven't found it yet.
    and franky i've given up for now untill humanity is a bit more advanced.

    I just want to go back to heaven. i just don't know how to do it
    and all the other methods don't work for me
    but only mortals

    i jsut find out every reglion only works on mortal men
    every time i try it on my self it fails in bazzar ways
    something keeps pulling me back to earth a octopus tenticule and i can't figure out why it keeps happening.

    its almost like death never competes
    it gets half way there then boom another timeline
    or a new body
    I've tryed to solve it for some time.
    with a friend of mine who also has this strange condition.
    master Van Baurn

    both of us where templars who found the temple of ever lasting life
    we did something with magic in the temple and ever since can't die normally.
    i'm not sure
    eric twain was also one of our victiums
    he also suffers from it.

    so when the templars in swizerland disbanded we sort to hid this odd anomlgly changing names
    and making new clones to try and beat this annogying curse

    so for me regilion was the answer but also a source of the condition.
    it was the highest ascendition but there is a terriable price nearly all of us went insane
    the only one who didn't was doctor Van baurn

    over the years i just used regilion as a out.
    idk how else to cope.

    i was heavily brainwashed to reject the reincarnation cycle but when broken you cannot return in the normal way.

    at that time i had no idea about quatium entanglement and quantum immortality.
    I cannot explain it.

    its not the psyhical kind
    nor then spiritual kind

    Imagine if you will
    your soul both stuck in time/space and ethreal here also but also psychically with your heart chraka stuck in time/space effecting all of it.

    moods causeing good and bad events by mood alone.
    it effected the Christ conciseness to a greater extent
    because i as desperate to be close to god.
    the problem is i was also a crazy loonie scientist with alot of power

  5. 5 months ago

    Idk i was looking for answers
    and a cure to my immortality
    I hated assendion and wanted to reverse it
    I regret ever getting it in the first place.

    maybe in another millennium i'll have another go. humanity is too primitive.
    your governments are hidding my research some of it can cure all types of illness, and its not abrosia its something much stronger.
    Van baurn and I Made it
    but we ended up regretting it.
    the effects where aweful.

    But the one i want is a cure for my wife
    It would be nice to not be scared she'll turn me again.

    I had a kinda cure for it but its not good enough
    because it doesn't solve immorality
    and can't reverse it but it does something alot worse

    I allowed a tv show called quantium leap about my condicion. problem is i can't undo it
    I've tried literally everything i can think of but nothing seems to work
    and if it doesn't work on me it will work on her.
    I want to to be safe

    but holy relics are out of the question
    hshe would die
    and i don't want that.
    I... i don't know.
    every time i get close the vatican steals my recreach idk I gave up.

    now idk i try to deal with my condition
    try to be happy. the server depression is from the "cure"i made which is why i never gave it to her.
    because something just isn't right.

    man i have tried this so many times and each tiome i keep making my condition worse
    I wanted to be mortal again
    and my wife too so we could live together and go home.

    look child i been here for fricking long time
    and its getting real boring
    and i was on who did want to get tu- i mean emm well i didn't want immortality i kinda got bullied into it.
    I ended up regreting it.
    idk who cares about me anyway.

    none of you people do.
    and likely no one will.

    what you care about its regilious science and the regilions made where the "good" results of those test
    ofc i would try all these methods on my self first
    as a rule.

    i want to solve all the answers in the universe
    in a religious way.

  6. 5 months ago

    while the major of sciencist want to dismiss my work and try to use use the athiest cope of math and logic but what i told them was that regilion was the only answer
    because i seen societys off earth who where 100% or near on 100% who did so many screaw up that some have come here for answers

    many of them like you medicated their souls away but this has adverse effects
    lower morality, lower emotions, lack of higher emotions and a increase in social issues with little resolve.

    the idea then I created regilion.
    I did it to solve the idea of the anti natalist mind set
    and to solve the return to god or return to monkie problem that anything societies problems could manifest i wanted the answer in regilion
    most of it its just stories but inside are snipets of my research everything with proven effects with the desired both there is no one path
    to happyness
    But there is only one to god.
    after sometime.
    I wanted a way into hell as well.
    to train for a fight i knew i couldn't win.

    but again to avoid certain fates and outcomes
    the regilions had a perpose and reason
    they clean the body of its evils but give it nastry and often fatal out comes but because of the benefits i keep all the regilions alive

    I ahve had many clones do it for me.
    while i hide my self in plain view
    when you really are nothing
    and not a anyone does your existance matter?

    the idea here was the lessons not so much my self but for humanity a gift
    and to honor my god the highest god.

    i don't know who it is and many NDE's later still don't really know but all the major regilions have postive and negitive out comes.
    the point was toteach the soul new tricks and unlock the magic powers
    of the human genone and powers hiden
    you see many of these cannot be active without enlightenment

    you see it
    right here
    remote viewing, looking glass, the stargate project and free energy
    these are just a few of the regilious out comes of the religious sciences

    you see. nature is the power of life.

    • 5 months ago

      Doubt he would post on Oyish and even if he did your posts read like larp, which I am not interested in

      • 5 months ago

        I think its great.

        while the major of sciencist want to dismiss my work and try to use use the athiest cope of math and logic but what i told them was that regilion was the only answer
        because i seen societys off earth who where 100% or near on 100% who did so many screaw up that some have come here for answers

        many of them like you medicated their souls away but this has adverse effects
        lower morality, lower emotions, lack of higher emotions and a increase in social issues with little resolve.

        the idea then I created regilion.
        I did it to solve the idea of the anti natalist mind set
        and to solve the return to god or return to monkie problem that anything societies problems could manifest i wanted the answer in regilion
        most of it its just stories but inside are snipets of my research everything with proven effects with the desired both there is no one path
        to happyness
        But there is only one to god.
        after sometime.
        I wanted a way into hell as well.
        to train for a fight i knew i couldn't win.

        but again to avoid certain fates and outcomes
        the regilions had a perpose and reason
        they clean the body of its evils but give it nastry and often fatal out comes but because of the benefits i keep all the regilions alive

        I ahve had many clones do it for me.
        while i hide my self in plain view
        when you really are nothing
        and not a anyone does your existance matter?

        the idea here was the lessons not so much my self but for humanity a gift
        and to honor my god the highest god.

        i don't know who it is and many NDE's later still don't really know but all the major regilions have postive and negitive out comes.
        the point was toteach the soul new tricks and unlock the magic powers
        of the human genone and powers hiden
        you see many of these cannot be active without enlightenment

        you see it
        right here
        remote viewing, looking glass, the stargate project and free energy
        these are just a few of the regilious out comes of the religious sciences

        you see. nature is the power of life.

        continue your story fren, thanks for sharing this with anon.

      • 5 months ago

        >hurr durr
        I don't care sermantics don't matter.

        your materialist dirtbag profane garbage don't effect me.
        I can command almost 1 million alone with magic
        its not that hard, for my species anyway.
        but that's a topic for another time.

        this is too advanced even for you.
        this is the nerdy big boy pants lhigh level clearance things and ultra super secert knowlegde of the iceage occult teachings stuff your clearly too unenlightened to under stand.
        its the 12d plane of thinking
        as we call the the next human evolution which will happen in 2100 ad

        I wanted a way to rebverse it too incause some people think immortality is too much for them.

        these conspets are so differcult to understand you would need 80 years just to understand the basics of the quantium evolution
        its destiny that mankind reach quantium immortality

        and to become as immortal and timeless beings
        of art.
        this is not science fiction i am the result of it.
        and have had it for well over 100,000 years
        I'm giving this gift as way to understand reality at its core.
        if you had the sicker of the clones you would see that resukt in plain view it was to place benifical curses not hostile ones the idea of doing evil for good.

        unlike the other saints. i did not want to put us above god but to put rome above man
        and an elite circle of light beings so christlike lead by ofc jesus him self but in a way that it would be the core of light worlds or at least the start of one

        that all people in the empire from poorest to richest got live as kings and queens

        far too advanced for your level of 3d understandings
        when i see things i see them in the most distance of futures
        far beyond the level of understanding.
        you see mr Van baurn where obessed with an eternal rome.
        the one where all at the top where 100% perfect in the spirit, mind and body
        and those out side would be the masses of enlightened beings

        and anyone out side to be less than.

  7. 5 months ago

    see i believe that my life unlocked secerts
    but the best one was my son jesus christ
    I never said i was his father back then because i have him to joseph though mary.
    aduality idk i would call it an agreement with friends

    he is my son. and he was the greatest part of all reglions
    becuase it was the fruit of that research also lead to the perfect human.
    it wasn't all genetics it was temperment via reglion, perfect mortality, perfect manners, perfect statue, perfect voice, and over all a perfect teacher.

    the idea?
    the idea that regilion makes you a better person.

    I proved it with him
    and ofc mary who was a helping in all these things.

    experiments you see
    top level experiments
    absolute perfection.
    jesus of galiee 100% perfect

    some came close but none ever where 100% perfect.
    to be born man then to accend to god hood
    proven in one man.
    that was my son jesus christ
    I called this the talos project
    and forced rome to fund it.

    the reason then?
    the reason for this experiment wasn't just to see if a perfect manm could be made but coul then a emporir rise from it and do the same thing as christ was. but this time be a god ceaser a blaphemous idea but the idea of the eturnal rome a un conquerable rome.

    even if rome fell it can be rebuilt as the idea never dies, hence barbarosa and so on.
    the idea is someone keeps trying though the decades but one of them makes a breakthough
    and makes the forever rome.

    a oplumpus or heaven on earth but forever.
    with an immortal of pure light at its core
    the ideal of a immoral empire.

  8. 5 months ago

    Based on these pics he’s my coworker. I’ll go into work tomorrow and let him know the jig is up and he better come clean to me and (you) about his hidden plans. I can probably get all of us front row seats.

    • 5 months ago

      I know those copies know nothing american.
      none of the american ones know anything hahaha.
      they are nothing. hahahaha.
      they don't even know my plans
      do you think i would tell a copy. hah get real
      no they have fake names fake lives haha leave them in peace.
      they wont know know shit.

  9. 5 months ago

    Sirgay betrayed us all

    • 5 months ago

      I betrayed no one

      the child comes with me.
      you will not have him.

      You crazier than a bed bug


  10. 5 months ago

    Probably a fallen angel or a vampire.

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