What religion does this represent?

Because its pretty damn convincing.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Guess you'll have to write the editor at Big Rage Comics factory in Gonzales, CA. Ask for ''Tito".

  2. 6 months ago

    Alawite esotericism

    "Everything that happens to you is from you and for you, enjoy gods garden"

    • 6 months ago

      Wow never even heard of these guys
      Total chads
      >Alawites identify as a separate ethnoreligious group. The Quran is only one of their holy books and texts, and their interpretation thereof has very little in common with the Shia Muslim interpretation but is in accordance with the early Batiniyya and other ghulat sects. Alawite theology and rituals sharply differ from Shia Islam in several important ways. As a creed that teaches the symbolic/esoteric reading of Qur'anic verses, Nusayrite theology is based on the belief in reincarnation and views Ali as a divine incarnation of God.
      >Alawites have historically kept their beliefs secret from outsiders and non-initiated Alawites, so rumours about them have arisen.
      >At the core of Alawite creed is the belief in a divine Trinity, comprising three aspects of the one God. The aspects of the Trinity are Mana (meaning), Ism (Name) and Bab (Door). Nusayrite beliefs hold that these emanations underwent re-incarnation cyclically seven times in human form throughout history. According to Alawites, the seventh incarnation of the trinity consists of Ali, Muhammad and Salman al-Farisi.

  3. 6 months ago

    people were pure and their judgement wasnt clouded by the delusions obtained in their lives through various forms of indoctrination. they just lived to be happy and to have fun surrounded by family and tribe. all of your brothers got together and hunted and fished enough to fill their bellies up for a few days. sleep, have sex, rinse and repeat.
    not whatever this doo doo ca ca homosexual ass bullshit is that we have today.

    • 6 months ago

      That exists today in every redneck trailer park. You too can enjoy the free, pure lifestyle of single mothers, natty light, huntin', fishin', cousin frickin'

  4. 6 months ago

    organized religion

    • 6 months ago

      this paired with humanity's transition from nomadic tribes to agricultural settlements. it was basically inevitable so you can't really do anything about it but its still pretty fascinating how the dynamic can change so radically just with one little seed.

    • 6 months ago

      Disorganized religion!

  5. 6 months ago

    It’s literally me and it’s literally just non-denominational esoteric Christianity

  6. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I fricking hate Alan watts so much. Might be the most empty nothing of value or truth feel good hippy esoteric ever.

  7. 6 months ago

    It's literally slave philosophy:
    >If you can't be free, just love your slavery, then you have no problems lol

    It seems convincing because the conclusion shown in your pic is what the Matrix WANTS you to become. So everything is set up to make that seem like the logical conclusion, but it's a logical conclusion stemming from a system of slavery.

    Just as a magician doesn't trick you with the hand you're looking at, they trick you with the hand you're not looking at.
    So too does the Matrix not fool you with what your mind is trained to see, but with the parts of your mind you're conditioned to take for granted. The conclusion in your pic is only rational if you first believe the _hidden_ context that you're already a slave.
    THEN it makes total sense to say "just learn to enjoy it lol". Are you really sure you want to put the idea that your soul is a slave at the center of your worldview OP?

    • 6 months ago

      This. OP’s pic is a psyop.

      >just enjoy le world
      No. Explore it and don’t corrupt it but remember that this is a gym. Your soul signed a contract to cut and bulk here. We have a limited time. Use it wisely.

      • 6 months ago

        Get fricked Black person I never signed shit.

  8. 6 months ago

    Druidry, but druidry is gnostic and eventually you logout.

  9. 6 months ago

    What a beautiful world.to be born into

  10. 6 months ago

    NPCs will believe anything a meme paints as positive. If something is presented as a good thing then it immediately becomes a good thing.
    We call this 'ignorance is bliss'

  11. 6 months ago

    A lot of paganism is like that. It's why it makes the Abrahamics seethe by just existing, they see what life could be like if they hadn't fallen for the israelite book.

    • 6 months ago

      Paganism does interest me, but I need a solid explanation of its morals, how it works, and its afterlife. Most LARPagans don't seem to be able to provide that.

      • 6 months ago

        Speaking for Germanic Paganism:
        Self-reliance and personal responsibility are key. The gods care more about your actions than your thoughts. There's no real focus on your actions have to benefit all, we care about our family, our friends, our people.
        Oaths are inviolate and must never be broken. Stand by your word. Guest right is a thing, meaning, one person traveling must be accommodated with a bed and food, drink, whatever is needed, for one night, if asked (generally extrapolated to hobos in a limited sense)
        This is bound up with the ideas of luck moreso than punishment from the gods. Act right, your luck increases. This can also be inherited, which is part of the reason ancestor worship is a thing.

        There is Nastrond, where oathbreakers, murderers (in the sense of people who kill and hide this, not the modern sense, see: taking responsibility), and, arguably, men who frick wifes of others go. You're naked, cold, in darkness, and wading to poison up to your knees.
        Aside from that is Hel (not to be confused with hell), just a general solid green farming life forever. Then there's the halls of the gods. These have different requirements that all boil down to "if the god wants you, you're in". Ran takes the drowned as long as they have a small piece of gold to pay the entrance fee. Odin and Freya those who fell in battle, etc. Basically, each god has his attributes and field, and if you pursue that field vigorously, that's where you go. General themes in the halls are eternal feasting, interspersed with the activity related to that god - battle in Valhalla, farming in Hel, etc. Think of it as a more pleasurable version of life. Unless you land in Nastrond, in which case you're fricked.

        There's different parts of the soul. Some of these parts - like the luck mentioned above, remain with a family line. Others can be kept here with mound burials.
        >how it works
        Not sure what you mean

        • 5 months ago

          Thank you for the solid info Anon! Anyone versed in Frankish/Celtic/Anglic Paganism would be appreciated as well.

          >how it works
          Ritual and practical doctrine.

          Also, how do you reconcile the Grand Blot and concepts like it?

          • 5 months ago

            >Grand Blot
            There was no separation of Church and state back then, by and large the chieftains held the blots for the whole community, and the king for the whole kingdom. Since the kingdom was the grandest political structure, it was only fitting it got the grandest sacrifices to keep it going - aka humans. This was often more or less people that'd have been killed anyway. Due to the latter point, I have no real issues with the idea, but most of my co-religionists would disagree vehemently with me on that.
            Either way, moot point until we have an Asatru kingdom and king again.

            There's four main sacrifices on the summer/winter solstice and the... two points that I don't remember the name of in English, basically one holiday a quarter. Aside from that, you can blot whenever you need something from the gods. You cleanse the area, do a Hammer Hallowing, read a poem on why you're doing it, bless the sacrifices, take a bit of each yourself, and sacrifice the rest, can be either in fire or on earth.
            Don't over-sacrifice, you may get more than you want as gift necessitates gift.

            We don't really have much doctrine, as we don't have a dogma either - most polytheists don't. Orthopraxy rather than Orthodoxy. Sacrifice to the gods, and it's good. Aside from that, as I said, be self-reliant and don't dodge responsibility for what you did, stick to your word, stick to your family/friends/people. Most would also add some light environmentalist thing, let's not frick up nature needlessly.

  12. 6 months ago

    frick nature

  13. 6 months ago


  14. 6 months ago

    Second to last panel was quoting Gospel of Thomas

  15. 6 months ago

    Every great prophet, God, son of God, or "starter of religions", has only come to restore the original
    Dharma projjihita kaitavo(Shrimad Bhagavatam, second verse)
    All great preachers have rejected the gross materialism and materialism disguised as religion of their time and told people to just worship God without motive

  16. 6 months ago

    'the kingdom of god is before us'
    u never read Bible huh?

  17. 6 months ago

    this is literally just spiritual hedonism, So stupid imagine contemplating existence for years and coming to this conclusion and dying in it. This is literally the shit DMT gnomes tell people during trips, "Stop peering deeper just enjoy!"

    stupid zoomer pothead tiktok frick

  18. 6 months ago

    Gnostic Buddha but without the depth Not even closely resembling the truth that siddharta Gautama taught over two thousand eight hundred years ago.

  19. 6 months ago

    this explains blackpilled gnostohomosexualry so well

  20. 5 months ago

    Bipatriot Sneedoism

  21. 5 months ago


  22. 5 months ago

    >Nicholas's De Docta Ignorantia ('Of Learned Ignorance') is an epistemological and metaphysical treatise. He maintains the finite human mind cannot fully know the divine, infinite mind ('the Maximum'). Nonetheless, he holds that the human intellect can become aware of its limitations in knowing God and thus attain "learned ignorance". His theory shows the influence of neoplatonism and negative theology, and he frequently cites Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.

  23. 5 months ago

    Funny how you can apply every religion/belief to that, even the ones that the meme is making fun of.
    This thread is proof with people attributing a bunch of religions to that
    This is why using memes to teach esoteric knowledge is dumb. It has been too corrupted and you can paint bad things as good things and people will eat it up

    • 5 months ago

      Nice contribution, homosexual.

  24. 5 months ago


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