To all the religious/spiritual people here

What gives you conviction in what you believe? Is it having seen a miracle first hand? Logical deduction?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Lots and lots of dreams with repeating symbolism. Cycles, wheels. The significance of both blood and trees in most rituals. Bones possessing power when broken. That and testing it out in person, with it seeming to work. Blood into a wood fire is untested as of yet, no real good way for me to draw it, but the breaking of rabbit bones with a wish has proven effective thus far.

    • 5 months ago

      Are you part of any occult or magick tradition? Or do you mainly do your own thing and experiment around?

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry, went to bed after posting that. Mostly just random experimentation and seeing results. Somewhat influenced by occult and magick traditions, but mostly homebrewed. Works pretty well, that I've seen. The thing about breaking bones is that 1, they have to be removed from an animal and have no flesh remaining, and 2, you will have pain caused proportional to what you wished for. Bigger bones can do more, but cause more pain. Physical pain, by the way. Got a very minor concussion soon after shattering one while asking for something.

        • 5 months ago

          Hmm. What did you ask for? What was the bone broken from? Like you killed an animal or you just bought it from somewhere? Can you use bones in the woods?

    • 5 months ago

      Use a lancet pen for diabetics. That will give you a way to draw blood without cutting yourself

  2. 5 months ago

    Both, take a look at research in parapsychology.
    I have a gift of making events happen on command too, but it requires a special mindset and certainty.

  3. 5 months ago

    I believe because I've had spiritual experiences during meditation and in my dreams as well as countless paranormal experiences throughout my life. I have zero doubts about a higher power and life beyond death.

    • 5 months ago

      What would you say to a guy who has zero experiences, and met all his spiritual endeavours with utter failure?

      • 5 months ago

        Keep trying. Main thing is you need to let go of your self determinism and trust yourself in God.

        • 5 months ago

          Why? And which God?

          • 5 months ago

            >which God
            The one within you. God is within that realm in you which your Godly intuition talks to you through. Right where the heart sits. Listen to that voice, keep God in your mind. Do not let religious dogma cloud the way. If you ask, God will lead you on the right path without failure. You won't find God anywhere else but within you. Once you are in tune with that, you will see God manifest in everyone and everything around you. When you see evil in the world, you will see it for what it truly is. The deliberate abandonment of God. Even a crysis can be turned into a blessing if people would simply let God work through them.

      • 5 months ago

        Check out these links anon.

  4. 5 months ago

    Great faith in the beginning; afterwards, first hand experience. In the beginning of your journey you will always have to take a leap of faith, it doesn't matter in which form, a leap of faith is needed. You will have to go blind against your better judgement and test things for yourself, so trying to ask anons questions to clear your skepticism away is more or less a pointless exercise.

  5. 5 months ago

    without magic I would be dead right now

  6. 5 months ago

    The perception of Self beyond one's own mind and intelligence and instincts.
    Best I can describe it is a separate consciousness with unlimited natural and supernatural wisdom. Spiritual work is just tapping into that, until you come to associate with it, rather than the ego.

    • 5 months ago

      and how does one tap into the 'higher self'?

      • 5 months ago

        meditate n stuff. shut off all the noise of "reality" that you can, practice this and get better at it so it becomes easier

        • 5 months ago

          >shut off all the noise
          damn tinnitus..

      • 5 months ago

        It can be as simple as centering your awareness. Relax and observe.

      • 5 months ago

        Read things. Like the Bible, Poimander, Gnostic texts, etc. show your intention to learn the truth. Knock enough and the door will be opened.

        • 5 months ago

          Been reading for years. The Bible, Greco-Roman texts, then Ancient Chinese texts. I'm scream to the abyss but there's no response.

          • 5 months ago

            It's pretty hard to be disliked by three separate religion's gods. You should probably work on yourself my guy. Go to the gym, eat some fruit, stop fapping to troony porn. Go to therapy for that incident with your mom's 36th boyfriend. You know, easy stuff.

          • 5 months ago

            Kinda funny how I'm doing exactly what you've described, but it's depressing man. Imagine working out for 10 years just to remain skinny fat and not change at all. Would be helpful if a voice could just suddenly shout some feedback at me all of a sudden.

          • 5 months ago

            And if you get the feedback but you shit your pants?

            As in, sit down, meditate and actually reap the fruit.

            Was atheist most of my life, when that experience happened, the wide road to paranormal slammed open.
            Life decided to throw everything and everyone at me.

          • 5 months ago

            >Would be helpful if a voice could just suddenly shout some feedback at me all of a sudden.

            One gram of protein per pound of weight. If you weigh 140lbs, eat 140 grams of protein. If you are doing as much cardio as you do lifting, cut back on cardio. If you run for cardio, punch a heavy bag instead every other session. Look up the 5x5 workout. Do it for a month and let me know if you don't gain a few pounds. Do it for three months and tell me you don't gain 20lbs of muscle, if you do I'll tell you that you didn't do it right.

            And no. I'm not jacked, but I have been a hungry skeleton, skinnier than you all my life, and all of that shit helped me go from 115lbs to my current 160lbs of mostly muscle over the years with breaks where I got lazy and got skinny, or skinnyfat in between. But each time I need to get back to not being a piece of shit, I know all of that works and will get me back where I need to be.

          • 5 months ago

            Woah woah sorry I meant that as a metaphor. I was referring to myself seeking spiritually for a long while through many sources but still coming up with nothing in the end.

  7. 5 months ago

    I'm an energy vampire and I feed on people daily so I figured a religion based on doing vampire stuff would be right up my alley.

  8. 5 months ago

    it was revealed to me in a dream

  9. 5 months ago

    It was a preternatural event, so kind of like a miracle. I would not have believed for any other reason. The Goddess Athena flexed her power and won an adherent for life

    • 5 months ago

      How do you know it was Athena? Were you leaning towards Athena anyways? Because thats different than Athena randomly showing up in a dream. Random god or goddess showing up without you having any knowledge of any of it means selected in a way. Praying to whatever and having a god or goddess show up is different. It's hard to separate your mind putting the steps ever so slightly in front of you from you just taking a blind leap of faith and a hard reverse.

  10. 5 months ago

    Miracle became a way of life for me
    Probably the easiest way in is to read A Course In Miracles. I did it by paying sttention to coincidences.

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    >The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you
    I realized from observation that absolute objective evil exists and worked backwards, then learned the gospel and was saved.

    • 5 months ago

      By gospel do you mean the first century hellenized semitic texts? Why do those and not others lead to salvation?

      • 5 months ago

        Exactly. All texts lead to salvation because salvation is you. Just like without guidance one can also be saved. It's also not like people need to be saved anyways. Some do some don't.

  13. 5 months ago

    For me it is logical deduction.
    Every single fact known to man, including every scientific experiment ever performed, ultimately has its root in consciousness. Consciousness itself is the beginning of all that we know, and is all that we can know.

    Materialism simply cannot explain consciousness, even as illusion because if you could truly call it an illusion it would be explainable what that illusion is "like" and how it emerges. Yet that cannot be done.
    So calling it an illusion is 100% baseless.
    The simple fact is that we observe something which can be neither defined nor even explained as an illusion. Because what we observe is so fundamentally beyond the tools we've been taught to use to explain things. Consciousness cannot be reduced down to particles bumping into each other. It's as simple as that.

  14. 5 months ago

    First you rationalize it logically. Then you walk the spiritual path. Then shit starts happening that cements it beyond doubt. Then your reality changes entirely. Then you realize everything you know is a lie. Then God walks you through the truth. Then you know God and the true reality. It's the great work. It's exhausting and some lose themselves if they don't have faith and fortitude through the process.

  15. 5 months ago

    Logically deducting that nobody actually knows shit, and that it's a swamp trying to lure you in.

  16. 5 months ago

    innocence -> ignorance -> faith -> belief -> knowing -> understanding -> wisdom
    stopping at belief seems like a cop-out.

  17. 5 months ago

    >strong understanding of Quantum mechnics and higher dimensional physics
    >strong understanding of eastern religions and gnosticism
    >multiple DMT break through experiences

    Once you understand the first 2 you understand exactly what you are experiencing when you breakthrough.

    I don't believe. I know

  18. 5 months ago

    People lack the foresight and are swimming in low level vibrations and constant materialism. The more time you spend around spirituality, the more you realise this: It was never about “it’s real therefore I believe” but “I believe therefore it’s real”. Cognition shapes reality.

  19. 5 months ago

    Mostly logical deduction and being pragmatic. I don't remember the exact name, but there was a Buddhist sutta that outlined how, just from a purely pragmatic perspective, a good belief system will result in behavior that results in a more pleasant "this" life even if you aren't convinced of a "next" life.

    In addition to those I just have a lot of curiosity and openness to the idea that there are things beyond my (at least at current) limited human perceptions. The prideful atheism/materialism/scientism idea that everything can be measured by the material, and anything that can't be doesn't exist just doesn't sit well with me. I was raised an atheist but after frequent panic attacks in my early 20s over trying to comprehend the idea of an atheistic death I felt an urgency to try to find something that would teach me otherwise. Theravadin Buddhism was what attracted me the most and what has up to this point benefited me the most. I can't yet recall past lives to be able to believe in reincarnation, but a part of me feels that it "makes sense" and following the teachings has made me a happier, stronger person with a more open mind. I've reached the point where I can even contemplate an atheistic death and not fear it anymore.

    Recently I started reading into other religions and philosophies to broaden my perspectives and give myself more context. I used to want to become a Buddhist monk, but the sheer access to resources I have as a layman and the behavior of many high-ranking monks that I have seen has chased off that desire for now. While I would still call myself a Buddhist more than anything, I must admit I feel a deeper pull to the imagery of Christianity. Maybe it's just a cultural thing, I'm not sure, and there's plenty about the Orthodoxy that pushes me away from conversion. On the other hand, having read through the Nag Hammadi Library (particularly the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary) I feel I may be able to reconcile the two in some ways.

  20. 5 months ago

    For me the path was:
    >raised Christian but didn't put much personal effort in it, and so didn't get much out of it
    >reddit fedoras convinced me to be atheist, after reading a lot of atheist books, but like the other anon mentioned as well, it gave me deep existential anxiety and panic attacks after a while
    >learn semen retention from Mantak Chia book and it makes my life and mood permanently about 50% better
    >start practicing yoga and sungazing for hours a day and it feels really good
    >start building up chi, and feeling burning yang chi building up in my dantien
    >start practicing magic and find out that some of it works
    >study astrology and find out it works
    >psychic senses continually developing from practicing meditation and all sorts of subtle energies. Even begin to feel spiritual energies radiating from reading scriptures and saying prayers. Renounce magic after reading the scriptures.
    Anyways yeah by that point I had gained a lot of personal experience with weird occult happenings - but it came as the result of many hours of daily practice for many years. But once you get a taste of something being real, you want to get a taste of more of it, and so you go in deeper. It doesn't take a genius to deduce if spirits are real, then God and deities are real, and so religions are real.

  21. 5 months ago

    Mathematical proof

  22. 5 months ago

    Jesus told me not to get the jab in dreams starting as far back as 2016.

  23. 5 months ago

    The rules I live by. My one man cult has a few main rules. If I can keep myself to that standard there is nothing to worry about.

  24. 5 months ago

    ...i dont really follow a specific religion, but if i were to be honest, i mainly believe the spiritual stuff i do because i fear the alternative - that this life is my only life, we are alone in the universe, and my problems are genuinely meaningless and should not be considered whatsoever, compared to collective suffering elsewhere

    i guess its selfish but its keeping me sane for now

  25. 5 months ago

    As in, sit down, meditate and actually reap the fruit.

  26. 5 months ago

    For many it's more about it providing a code or ethic to live by than it is about faith.

    • 5 months ago

      What would be the point of this 'code', say, if it turns out that the atheistic view of the universe was true?

  27. 5 months ago

    You're missing seven symbols in your pic

  28. 5 months ago

    My own personal interactions with other worldly forces that I remember very clearly starting in my childhood.
    Although much comes down to personal feeling on certain things.

  29. 5 months ago

    Pretty much. Yes. Experience. I was a little deliquent semi gangster, and just about all of my teen friends are dead or in prison. For some unearthly reason, God decided to pick me up at my lowpoint. I did nothing special. And I wish he'd do the same for all. My attempts at telling people about God doesn't work as well.

    • 5 months ago

      Did anything supernatural happen? Or were you brought up by just luck and circumstance?

      • 5 months ago

        No, I was raised without religion. My parents weren't particularly bad, but they wanted me to figure it out on my own. But all I did on my own is nearly destroy myself.
        Something supernatural happened, yes. And supernatural things happened leading up to it. Not good things. I was also chased by some flying creatured who screeched like a loud bird in the night. I didn't get a look at it, but it's wingspan and the loudness was no mere bird. I was even with a friend. When we made it to indoors, he was freaked and told it was Lechuza (he was Mexican). I didn't know better and settled on this. I've since realized it was something far worse. And those of you here making threads about Succubus are insane.

  30. 5 months ago

    My magic power is that whatever I believe or think is true, is true, happens, or becomes real.

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