The Protestant Work Ethic is Evil.

Prove me wrong. The Protestant work ethic says it's wrong for fast food workers to be paid good money. The Protestant work ethic thinks working 2 jobs to survive is normal. The Protestant work ethic only thinks about barring populations from work to raise wages. God forbid the government raise wages and hold companies accountable. Nope, instead you have to ban people in your own country from the economy and from property rights to preserve "muh free market". Protestant work ethic is also screeching at anyone who makes property values go down while they complain about the cost of living and be Karens. Protestant work ethic is hating rent control. Protestant work ethic is thinking a useless middle manager needs and deserves more money but the low skilled worker who works hard each day deserves nothing.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Least lazy wop

  2. 4 months ago

    Something i dont get, do europeans think only certain whites had the concept of hard work?

    • 4 months ago

      Iberians with their siestas sure don't

      • 4 months ago

        So like no other culture had hard work but a couple of specific european ones?

        • 4 months ago

          only tightly knit groups in the northern parts with communal share of work actually get shit done with their own bare hands. the Roman ancestors of wogs would never have got shir done if they didn't have millions of slaves at their disposal

          • 4 months ago

            Least lazy wop

            I'm an Italian American guy but believe in working smart. I believe in making ways to do 10 hours work in 5 hours time. Do things my way. If you bend the rules, you can be doubly productive for far less effort. I believe in maximizing results and minimizing effort.

          • 4 months ago

            Germanics are the most productive people on the planet by any measure

          • 4 months ago

            This is crazy, you really think only some specific european cultures knew the concept of hard work?

          • 4 months ago

            The results speak for themselves...

          • 4 months ago

            Anon the nordic and germanic areas havent been that relevant since at least ww2. I just cant take the idea that this couple of cultures knew hard work and no one else seriously. Hispanics do hard work, chinese immigrants built huge chunks of the railroads that helped industrialize america. Is that not hard work? Please dont start saying you are gonna redefine what hard work means.

      • 4 months ago

        Iberians are more "Let's stretch out the day and take lots of rest in between" types. I'm more of a "Let's finish this work as fast as possible so we can get more leisure time."

        • 4 months ago

          Leisure time for incurring more debts maybe. Play hard, work hard.

  3. 4 months ago

    Protestant work ethic says work smarter not harder. See Germans, they work hard while on the clock and stop when it's time to stop

  4. 4 months ago

    >the protestant work ethic says...
    No it doesn't. You're tilting at windmills.

    • 4 months ago

      Not really. People genuinely get angry at a fast food worker making 15 an hour but think it's fine that lots of useless office jobs get paid well.

    • 4 months ago

      Dirk you're not smart. You know that right? Nobody likes you.

  5. 4 months ago

    Is this really Protestant or just boomer? Don’t get me wrong, I hate all Protestants. Especially the ones in America. They need to be gassed

    • 4 months ago

      There's an overlap between categories.

  6. 4 months ago

    >I'm [muh heritage] American
    You're spiritually a prot no matter how much seething about the protties or soifacing over the church you do here m8

  7. 4 months ago

    Sounds like an American politics problem, not just simply a le prots bad problem.

  8. 4 months ago

    Sounds about right, it's evil to force an employer to pay an employee more than their labor is worth. Doing so just leads to inflation.

    >a useless middle manager needs and deserves more money but the low skilled worker who works hard each day deserves nothing
    If you're sure those middle managers are useless then start a competing company that does away with them, then you'll be able to undercut your competition who are wasting money paying middle managers.

    • 4 months ago

      Force is how the world works. People have to work to live so by default you're forcing them into poverty if you pay too low. Inflation happens regardless of the wage increases. $15 isn't more than what their labor is worth unless you think stock shareholders deserve the money more. Force is the way of the world. It's just a matter of results.

      • 4 months ago

        >Inflation happens regardless of the wage increases
        No, you induce inflation when you increase the minimum wage. This is easily demonstrable if you imagine a minimum wage increase of $1,000,000 an hour. The business will have to increase prices by absurd amounts to make enough money to pay it's employees, the money supply will dry up and lots more will have to be printed. The same proportional thing happens when you increase the minimum wage by a small amount. In the end the worker isn't actually becoming more wealthy, but everyone with savings has become less wealthy.
        >$15 isn't more than what their labor is worth unless you think stock shareholders deserve the money more.
        Shareholders deserve the value of their investments. The free market will figure out what that is better than you.

        • 4 months ago

          >The business will have to increase prices by absurd amounts to make enough money to pay it's employees
          Or take a hit to its profits
          Maybe your business abilities suck if your profit margins are so low

          • 4 months ago

            >Maybe your business abilities suck if your profit margins are so low
            Or maybe it's just a difficult industry, regardless you still have to consider the value of investments. Deceased profits will means less money to reinvest and new investors coming on at less favorable evaluations.

          • 4 months ago

            >Deceased profits will means less money to reinvest
            For a period of time in the past few years corporations were so cash-rich that they were spending it on stock buybacks since their investment needs were already covered. For some firms its out of choice that they maintain compensation and prices at the rates that they do and for better or for worse it's their right to do so; in an optimal market where there was no collusion between market entities / government they'd be outcompeted.

          • 4 months ago

            And plenty of other businesses went bankrupt in that same time. Raising minimum wage won't just effect the businesses that have plenty of cash to spare.

          • 4 months ago

            >And plenty of other businesses went bankrupt in that same time.
            Tbh if you went bankrupt during the zero-interest rate policy period you deserved it

        • 4 months ago

          >Shareholders deserve the value of their investments. The free market will figure out what that is better than you.

          and why should I care about preserving this GDP and free market if they don't translate to more money for the average person?

          >No, you induce inflation when you increase the minimum wage. This is easily demonstrable if you imagine a minimum wage increase of $1,000,000 an hour. The business will have to increase prices by absurd amounts to make enough money to pay it's employees, the money supply will dry up and lots more will have to be printed. The same proportional thing happens when you increase the minimum wage by a small amount. In the end the worker isn't actually becoming more wealthy, but everyone with savings has become less wealthy.

          In the US, inflation happened regardless of wage increases. It also cuts both ways. It also means your house is easier to pay off for example.

          >The Protestant work ethic says it's wrong for fast food workers to be paid good money.
          What is "good money"?

          A living wage. Wages are going up and this is good.

          As a Spaniard it seems to me that the Protestant work ethic is a relic of a particular place and time.
          Protestant societies like England and the Netherlands had higher social mobility when capitalism was in it's infancy so being hard working was considered a virtue because it led to tangible rewards.
          However, there was still a spiritual dimension to it, the Pilgrims of New England believed hard work was only virtuous if it served some social purpose.
          In practice however it's hard to reconcile Protestant values with the reality in Protestant societies since the advent of capitalism brought a host of issues that poked holes in Protestant beliefs, like the stock market allowing you to become rich without working hard or providing socially useful work, rent-seeking, etc.
          You hace to be stupid to believe in the Protestant work ethic today doe, social mobility is at historical lows, working hard nowadays will just get you more responsibilities piled up on you.

          I believe in hard work but believe in working hard and efficient to increase the leisure time. I don't believe in being inefficient and killing yourself for half the results like American culture likes. American culture likes making workplaces worse for the appearance of productivity.

          • 4 months ago

            >and why should I care about preserving this GDP and free market if they don't translate to more money for the average person?
            The returns pay out private pension plans for the baby boomers who were the single largest population demographic for decades anon. They had the numbers to support programs for education and childcare when they were in the workforce and then to gut those programs when they gained seniority and began to retire and no longer personally needed them. One era's average becomes the next era's exception.

          • 4 months ago

            >and why should I care about preserving this GDP and free market if they don't translate to more money for the average person?
            It translates to better technology and higher quality of life for the average person. It also translates to more money for the average person if the average person becomes smarter and more educated.
            >In the US, inflation happened regardless of wage increases.
            There are lots of things that cause inflation but wage raises is one of them. The inflation from wage increases wouldn't happen anyway without wage increases.
            >It also cuts both ways. It also means your house is easier to pay off for example
            This is true, inflation will devalue your debts. How many people have a new enough mortgage to benefit from inflation compared to people who have an old enough retirement fund to be hurt by it? When all is said and done the average person will be no wealthier.

            The only way to actually address affordability issues is by increasing supply or reducing demand. Giving people more money than their labor is worth will just induce inflation until that new value is what they're worth.

      • 4 months ago

        >People have to work to live so by default you're forcing them into poverty if you pay too low
        or they could just not have a job at all and live in poverty regardless.

        No one is forcing unemployed people into poverty that's their default condition.

      • 4 months ago

        >The business will have to increase prices by absurd amounts to make enough money to pay it's employees
        Or take a hit to its profits
        Maybe your business abilities suck if your profit margins are so low

        Any situation where you think a company should raise wages is better solved by them lowering prices.

      • 4 months ago

        the real problem is their labor is ultimately useless for society. if we got back on the gold standard, brought manufacturing back to the cities, and stopped all immigration that would do workers a lot better than crushing more consoldating big corporations as small businesses can't keep up.

  9. 4 months ago

    Germans nowadays engage in wild escapisms as a result of this bizarre cult of work worship. They get off to scat fetishes, cross dressing, bestiality, rape porn etc. It's not natural to force steppejeets to value work like this.

    • 4 months ago

      That's implying that Germans didn't do that already when they were Catholic

      • 4 months ago

        There's definitely some disposition for them to be total freaks. I suspect it's their partial Turkic heritage.

  10. 4 months ago

    >The Protestant work ethic says it's wrong for fast food workers to be paid good money.
    What is "good money"?

  11. 4 months ago

    As a Spaniard it seems to me that the Protestant work ethic is a relic of a particular place and time.
    Protestant societies like England and the Netherlands had higher social mobility when capitalism was in it's infancy so being hard working was considered a virtue because it led to tangible rewards.
    However, there was still a spiritual dimension to it, the Pilgrims of New England believed hard work was only virtuous if it served some social purpose.
    In practice however it's hard to reconcile Protestant values with the reality in Protestant societies since the advent of capitalism brought a host of issues that poked holes in Protestant beliefs, like the stock market allowing you to become rich without working hard or providing socially useful work, rent-seeking, etc.
    You hace to be stupid to believe in the Protestant work ethic today doe, social mobility is at historical lows, working hard nowadays will just get you more responsibilities piled up on you.

    • 4 months ago

      I agree with this. Being rich doesn't mean you're harder working but people say if you got rich from renting out a place for 3 times what you bought it for, you deserve the money but if you directly work for the money you don't. It's crazy. It's about praising what's "hard work" on their GDP paper vs. reality. I've also noticed they like to make laws, culture, and regulations so that things that should be simple are complicated. They like turning simple tasks into complex ones and like pushing rules that force people to work harder for less gained. Too many useless rules.

  12. 4 months ago

    What did he mean by this?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not against that per se. I'm against the idea of people getting angry at a minimum wage worker making enough for a car and small apartment being so outrageous. Many Americans are outraged at this concept. They also love to make people look more productive without adding productivity. They say "work is supposed to be hard" while they make rules and policies that make the simplest things more difficult than it has to be because of valuing hard work.

      • 4 months ago

        Traditionally protestant nations are also superior in this regard thoughbeit?

        • 4 months ago

          On paper it's that way but in practice the housing is expensive in Northern Europe. On paper India is "equal" on your map. In practice though, I'd rather live in Mexico than India. I'd have to see what everything means in practice. Also in Europe, both the Catholic and Protestant countries are green.

  13. 4 months ago

    Another example of the Protestant work ethic is how many American companies get angry if someone uses the bathroom. They don't care about chit chatting but somehow using the bathroom goes too far because it's "lazy". According to them, it's better to be less productive without your needs met than to be more productive with your needs met just because the first one looks more productive.

  14. 4 months ago

    I'm Catholic and my friends Catholic grandmother pushes the work shit beyond anything I've seen. Said young people should get as many jobs as required to move out or they're simply "not cut out for life".

    • 4 months ago

      Says a dried up femoid.

  15. 4 months ago

    1 Timothy 5:18 'The workman is worthy of his wages.'

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