Sun worship is the true religion

>rises every day
>warms you
>works to give you food
>works to give you air
>improves your mood
>gives you vitamin D
>breaks down the unnatural
>engine behind all life

Desert religion:

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  1. 6 months ago

    all kinds of worship is moronic.
    the universe is also some sort of Electric Organism or Machine.
    The Sun is simply a creation of this thing.

    • 6 months ago

      In that case, the Sun should still be honored as our main power source
      >as above so below
      The spiritual force of the sun nourishes our souls just as the physical force nourishes our planet.

      • 6 months ago

        >as our main power source
        the Sun isnt a "power source", like all stars its getting its Energy from "outside".

        • 6 months ago

          Alright then it’s our main gateway to the outside/beyond. Now this makes a lot of sense with the Helios-Hekate thing that the PGM had going.
          Now I’m not suggesting a whole pantheon around sun worship, nor limiting ourselves to one particular culture’s expression of the Sun as deity. But it’s food for thought

      • 6 months ago

        >nourishes our souls
        >as above so below
        But can you expand on this? So it makes our skin warm, helping us avoid freezing. Great. But it has varied and deep physiological implications too. We dream around the Sun's presence (think about those spiritual implications - when the sun "goes away at night", so do we), we're calmed by it and even energized by it. It directly affects hormone production and mood, for just several examples.
        Are you guys starting to see why ancients took this seriously yet?

        • 6 months ago

          electric currents come from the sun, which generate heat and light in our own atmosphere/magnetic field. so its actually not the Sun that is directly warming you.

  2. 6 months ago

    >The substitute king ritual was an ancient Mesopotamian religious rite of human sacrifice

    • 6 months ago

      To start off, Solar Worship is a perennial theme among ancient mythologies and even a serious aspect of contemporary versions. This isn't isolated to Egyptians, Greeks, Hindus or indigenous South American tribes. It's a theme that stretches to natives across the whole world and even pervades countless occulted groups.

      >The Eleusinians are entirely matriarchal and have a yearly king who is 'sacrificed' annually in a fight to the death with a new contender

      >Several ancient literary sources mention rumors that human sacrifice took place at the altar of Zeus

      >oh no human sacrifices they must be savages!
      Have you walked around outside in a major city, you moron? Have you been to Chicago? Have you talked to poorgays in Appalachia? Have you seen what goes on in schools in California? Have you spoken to many young women?
      If you seriously think "these guys honored some deities by killing these people!" is all that bad, especially when it includes a fricking volunteer, in comparison to what goes on today, you're delusional. Modern wars alone (sacrifice events; think about who fights the wars and who instigates the wars - why do proles have to fight their overlords' battles for them to fight over where borders are drawn or something trivial like that?) are bad enough that we don't even need to mention "drug epidemics" or mass-scale abortion.

  3. 6 months ago

    >The Eleusinians are entirely matriarchal and have a yearly king who is 'sacrificed' annually in a fight to the death with a new contender

  4. 6 months ago

    >Several ancient literary sources mention rumors that human sacrifice took place at the altar of Zeus

  5. 6 months ago

    Sun is more about thanks and consistency

    But it could be a religion with a bunch of worthless words. Then distorted with more words, then dyes it’s word purple… then people completely forget about the sun and only notice words…

  6. 6 months ago

    >The sacrifice of an enemy king was the most prized offering, and such a sacrifice involved the decapitation of the captive ruler

  7. 6 months ago

    >Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more humans as part of a ritual, which is usually intended to please or appease gods

  8. 6 months ago

    Do not be foolish.

    Worship and serve the Creator, not the creature. The Lord made the heavens and Earth.

    • 6 months ago

      No matter how you look at it there must be a Creator aka some sort of Intelligence that creates the Universe which includes all Stars and Galaxies, Elements, Planets and Lifeforms etc. and its all made through the same Mechanism, the Z Pinch.
      If its a Machine then it has a builder/operator. If its an Organism it has intelligence on its own and you can spot intelligent design everywhere.

  9. 6 months ago

    its true, we all take the sun for granted, that it stays +-0.1% within nominal radiated output, if it deviates even +-0.2% we are all fricking toast, yet it keeps threatening to toast us all with a direct hit CME, so yes let us all pray to the sun every day, this is political, do not ban me for posting to off topic thread

    • 6 months ago

      you should pray that the Earths Magnetic field doesnt get weaker. Thats the only thing that protects us from the Sun and radiation of space.
      Also its the Earths Core which makes Life possible to begin with.

  10. 6 months ago

    Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

    When Constantine changed the U to a O.

  11. 6 months ago

    christianity is perfected sun worship tho
    >ad orientem

    • 6 months ago

      Can you explain why though? Do you know what Krishna and Jesus have in common, anon?

  12. 6 months ago

    Worship the son. Worship no one

  13. 6 months ago

    its one of the least understood things on how it works by all men. mostly because we can't go near it

    • 6 months ago

      Stars are created in a Z Pinch which is basically a huge short circuit between massive electric currents.
      once the Star is created the energy from these currents feeds the Plasma (Sun) with Energy and the Sun distributes the Energy to other objects around it, like jovians and planets which all have a mini Z Pinch at their core.
      Galaxies are created the same way just on a even bigger scale.
      where these electric currents that create everything come from? and what is driving them? are the big questions.
      Logic says there is a creator/the universe has its own mind.

      • 6 months ago

        we don't understand tho. create? ..stars? electric creating stars? like, that sounds stupid. what is electric then? how does it work?

        • 6 months ago

          Electricity is the right hand of Deity, the tongue of the Spirit, the Word of Omnipotent power, the protean cosmic force and creative machinery of the universe.

  14. 6 months ago

    The world is crying out for a man like this again.


    • 6 months ago

      So then what are you waiting for?

      • 6 months ago

        How do you discuss such matters of importance with family & friends who don't care to know anything beyond their daily activities?

        • 6 months ago

          You shouldn't expect so much out of them, anon. Everyone is under a lot of stress and it's on purpose. All of that shit to worry about is exactly how we're kept from these innate understandings. In a modernized world, we get access to the leisure time that would accommodate this sort of trend via Disclosure, to help you acclimate.

          electric currents come from the sun, which generate heat and light in our own atmosphere/magnetic field. so its actually not the Sun that is directly warming you.

          >chicken and egg
          Hey, I'm the one being pedantic here.


          And? Would you prefer blacked threads, homos in congress and what the Kardashians have been doing lately instead? At least this subject is slightly stimulating.

          • 6 months ago

            >You shouldn't expect so much out of them, anon
            Blissful ignorance is still ignorance. The survival of my people is at stake, there has never been a matter so important to discuss & yet I don't even know where to start without sounding like a nutjob.

          • 6 months ago

            So don't try to explain things to them. Just be a different person and try not to forget your roots. You can't fix everyone, but you can have kids in a safe environment with a woman that won't ruin your life and raise them to be better. No need to obsess over the past. In fact, you should probably just stay focused on how you can improve tomorrow.

  15. 6 months ago


  16. 6 months ago

    I try to thank the sun everyday I wake up. Not in a worshipping way. But in an appreciative way. The Giver of All Life on Earth. ALL life.
    There is a reason why every single religion ever since fricking Gug-Lug and the boys worshipped the Sun

  17. 6 months ago

    None of these things happen here at high latitude dumbass, desert religion is necessary for the polar (white) regions

  18. 6 months ago

    The issue with your logic is that deserts are generally extremely sunny while our part of the world sees very little of it in comparison, often times there can be entire days without any direct sunlight here. Doesn't that make it a desert religion too?

  19. 6 months ago

    The sun’s the greatest god of gods in heaven; to whom all of the heavenly gods give place as unto king and master. And he, this so-great one, he greater than the earth and sea, endures to have above him circling smaller stars than him. Out of respect to Whom, or out of fear of Whom, my son, doth he do this?

    Nor like nor equal is the course each of these stars describes in heaven. Who then is He who marketh out the manner of their course and its extent?

    The Bear up there that turneth round itself, and carries round the whole cosmos with it—Who is the owner of this instrument? Who He who hath set round the sea its bounds? Who He who hath set on its seat the earth?

    For, Tat, there is someone who is the Maker and the Lord of all these things. It could not be that number, place and measure could be kept without someone to make them. No order whatsoever could be made by that which lacketh place and lacketh measure; nay, even this is not without a lord, my son.

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