muslimbros, explain

>allah has human attributes, but is not a person
>allah interacts with earth, but has no earthly manifestation
>allah is infinite, but does not reserve himself to the heavenly
>allah is everywhere and in everything, but everything is not who he is and he is still unique

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  1. 5 months ago

    I dont see how any of those contradict.

    • 5 months ago

      well they are varied in many contradictory ways that would suggest that allah is not exclusively one in every aspect, clearly there is an unaddressed multiplicity here

  2. 5 months ago

    >allah is everywhere and in everything, but everything is not who he is and he is still unique
    Not everyone believes in the first half.

    • 5 months ago

      yes but sufis are not the majority of muslims (anymore)

      • 5 months ago

        Huh? Salafists definitely don't believe in that. They explicitly believe that Allah resides "up" somewhere and sits on a throne.

        • 5 months ago

          This. For Salafi morons “God” is literally the atheist skydaddy meme. It’s honestly pathetic

        • 5 months ago

          This. For Salafi morons “God” is literally the atheist skydaddy meme. It’s honestly pathetic

          Salafis should be clowned for the Sky Daddy meme a lot more but they do a decent job keeping it a secret from most Muslims. Whenever they are called out on it they refuse to think about how it's a contradiction since all reasoning and logic is BAD. I'm not kidding, you will be called a Greek follower of Aristotle, an apostate and an Ashari in their fit of rage. They'll keep spamming obvious metaphors and will eventually block you or get loud/violent irl. From years of trying to reason with these people, I can only conclude it's some sort of defense mechanism to keep their current worldview going. These guys genuinely believe kalam leads to atheism because in their head if their interpretation of Islam, which they believe is Islam in its purest form, is wrong, then Islam is wrong. They can't reinterpret. It's black and white. It also seems to be an IQ thing. Low IQ people are okay with regurgitating information but any sort of logic and reasoning is too much for them. So I guess they are right, I guess kalam does lead to apostasy...for them.
          The funniest example I have is discussing Neanderthal DNA with a Salafi. He believes the only valid understanding of humanity is that Allah created Adam and Eve, and every human is 100% a descendant of these two so the Neanderthal thing doesn't work. It's haram, it's fake, it's not real. The other explanations other Muslims have came up with are haram and wrong since they disagree with their worldview. Remember, you can't use logic with these people, only direct quotes from scripture but even then connecting the dots requires thinking thus it's HARAM. The idea you have to use a tiny bit of logic to understand something within the religion is too much for them. Alcohol is haram, so it's HARAM. Zero conversation about whether or not the ethanol is evaporated or is too small to illicit any effects on your brain. IT'S HARAM because the Quran and hadith said so.

          • 5 months ago

            >He believes the only valid understanding of humanity is that Allah created Adam and Eve, and every human is 100% a descendant of these two so the Neanderthal thing doesn't work. It's haram, its fake
            The way I like to think it is that just as God created linear time forward, he can backward and in every way else. The pre-history of the world was created to give logical depth, not leave any lose strings, and all this sophistication created across all subject matters is part of His power and perfection.

            >Alcohol is haram, so its HARAM. Zero conversation about whether or not the ethanol is evaporated or is too small to illicit any effects on your brain. IT'S HARAM because the Quran and hadith said so.
            Alcohol itself isn't even Haram because then the word itself, which is Arabic, would be used. It's haram by way of Qiyas (comparative analogy), because Khamr (date wine. or wine in general) is what's stated as Haram. Natural fermentation is inevitable in a wide range of prepared foods and even raw fruits, especially in an era before refrigerators, chemical preservatives and vacuum sealing.
            The Kievan Rus under Vladimir the Great in the late-900s had the choice to adopt Sunni Islam from the Volga Bulgars or Eastern Orthodoxy from the Byzantines. They rejected the former partly because you couldn't drink liquor. It clearly refers to drink/food with higher rate of alcohol because the Volga Bulgars and Inner Eurasians themselves drank Kumis which is a fermented drink made from mare milk (horse milk). Kephir is another drink made from milk from cows, goats, sheep or camels that Muslims drank.

            The phenomenon of autistic application of Athariya you're alluding to, or even false equivalencies, is far too prevalent even outside Salafism. In certain topics the Salafists end up taking the more logical route or switching to it faster, such as their embrace of visual-generating technology, which helped propagate their views while many Muqallid Sunnis shunned away from it.

          • 5 months ago

            In regards to evolution, the process is pretty much solid. The way I see it is even if the atheists are right about how life and humanity came about, it doesn't negate the role of God in my eyes. If I bake a cake, despite the fact I bought the ingredients and followed the recipe step by step, I believe it occured by the will of God. At any point I could have been distracted or had my soul taken from me. My eggs could have gone bad, my milk soured. The chemical reaction that occured in the oven abides by the laws of physics created by God. Although I made a conscious choice to bake a cake, the action was allowed to occur only because God put everything in place for it to occur. Same for evolution. Maybe the creation of mankind required evolution, these specific step by step processes over millions of years. It's ridiculous to think Adam popped out of nowhere made of a literal clump of clay. Since God exists outside of time and space, the length of time it took is irrelevant. That's faith. These creationists assume their narrow understanding is the only answer and if that's debunked, it's not that they were wrong but Islam is wrong.
            >Alcohol itself isn't even Haram
            I thought it was the recreational use of intoxicants that was haram. Even caffeine in a high enough dose can be a stimulant with the same effects as cocaine. The chemical itself isn't haram, intentionally taking something to get high is.
            So some fermented milk that just tastes funny but doesn't elicit a measurable decline in cognitive ability is fine. I was referring to the ethanol listed as am ingredient in some biscuit brand, Oreos I think.
            >The phenomenon of autistic application of Athariya
            From personal experience they just seem scared of kalam or are genuinely incapable of understanding it because they're too low IQ. Well I say Allah can't be literally above us, they think I think he's everywhere or doesn't exist. Abstract thought is too much I guess.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Allah says "we are the inheritors (all plural)" 15:23
    >God in the Bible says "bara (singular) elohim (plural)" Genesis 1:1
    Muslimbros, why does the Bible respect tawhid more than the Quran?

    • 5 months ago

      "We" carries a regal meaning with reference to the Creator. Your birdbrain wouldn't understand that.

      • 5 months ago

        >abdool doesn't even bother to understand what he reads

        • 5 months ago

          It might not make sense to your birdbrain, but in many languages royalty/nobility refer to themselves in the plural.

          • 5 months ago

            >room temp IQ abdool doubles down in bid to make people not notice he didn't understand what he replied to
            I mean keep ridiculing yourself by all means.

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            No they don't moron. If a ruler ever says we it's because they are representing a country and it's entire population. When God said "We" at beginning of creation where nothing else even existed, who's he referring to?

          • 5 months ago

            >When God said "We" at beginning of creation where nothing else even existed, who's he referring to?
            Why don't you tell us who We refers to then? You seem to know the intricacies of all languages and speech.
            We're waiting.

      • 5 months ago

        >"We" carries a regal meaning with reference to the Creator

  4. 5 months ago

    >it's another episode of epic reddit atheists try to disprove religion by pointing out that hyper dimensional spiritual entities operate in ways that are often beyond our comprehension and seem contradictory

  5. 5 months ago

    >allah has human attribute
    False, this is where you lost the plot

  6. 5 months ago


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