it seems that, according to mainstream religions and many wise men, most of humanity will end up in Hell

it seems that, according to mainstream religions and many wise men, most of humanity will end up in Hell
so what do we know about Hell? how can we survive there, what should we expect?
have you personally been to Hell, anon?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Hell is a personal choice, and it is not about destruction, but purification.

    • 5 months ago

      so i can choose to avoid Hell and stay "filthy", so to say?

  2. 5 months ago

    Sheol can actually translate as shadow of death. The ancient greeks and others discussed what are called shades as well. There are different hells apparently and many of them are actually described as cold. Even dantes inferno i believe.

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody cares bro promise

      • 5 months ago

        Thats like why there is hell and evil

  3. 5 months ago

    Do I give you THE answer….?

    • 5 months ago

      me? i'm insignificant and can't decide for you. but i heard a lot of stories from church boys that they personally witnessed Hell or/and demons, and say that our ordinary life is the way to distract us enough that we fall in Hell. their god is kinda mean...

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      hell is your life gone wrong.

      • 5 months ago

        people report about literal fire and insane suffering anon, it's not a mere speech figure

      • 5 months ago

        mirror mirror on the wall who's the chinkiest of them all.

  5. 5 months ago

    Hell is a mindset, like everything is. We exist in the conciousness of GOD. The thing you think is your own voice is literally GOD in a partitioned room gifted to you by the fact you have a body. This is so you can be singular in your mind, so it's easier to stay focused on the things you want to focus on specifically. We are like a million magnifying glasses for GOD to explore itself with. Anyway, what this means is that there is a process of reunification that we undergo after death, when we return to the collective unconscious in a way.

    That process of uncoupling and recoupling is the weighing of the scales. You are both the scale itself, the one deciding the judgement, and the person being "judged" or rather examined and put back into place. If the process of realizing the truth is brand new to you, if you have done a bunch of bad shit and just now realized, "Oh, it was me hitting myself over and over.", you're going to be in "hell" longer than others until you can become singular in your mind again. I say singular in your mind because you lose the bodily caps of your perception of time and emotions- you're being struck with it all, all at once. In order to return to some sense of normalcy, you need to become "one" in your thoughts again- basically, take the whole and distill it back into the essence again. This is why meditation on Earth will help with this process.

    It's also how hell is equal for everybody, because everyone has to go through it. Even babies who die in childbirth, the worst they may have to come to terms with is the feeling of being cold. Someone who did a henious crime is going to be in hell for longer trying to come to terms with that truth.

    • 5 months ago

      >a million magnifying glasses for GOD to explore itself with
      deep soi thought... sorry for being rude, but i'm tired of hearing this. so basically your point is that meditation on earth can help you to deal with Hell later

      • 5 months ago

        You can be tired of hearing it, but it's the craziest shit ever and it only keeps going. You should learn to not be tired of it considering it's going to be all you hear about in the upcoming decades or so.

        And yeah, I do think that about the meditation thing. Merry Christmas, anon!

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not sure what happens after hell. I have no idea. If you return to a state of pure love and understanding and acceptance, a singular mind, I think we straight up get reincarnated and pushed right back into a body. I don't think we have a choice in that matter, despite what all new wave spiritualists say. I think it just happens. This is purely speculation, but the other stuff I said about hell is true and will 100% be what you experience. It's basically like sitting in a pitch black room with a thousand people talking at once until you figure out its all you.

      • 5 months ago

        >what happens after hell
        The same thing as after Heaven: under hypnosis you are convinced you were there for millions of years (may have been in actuality a single afternoon) and then are given the "chance" to reincarnate on Earth again. Also you may be made to do administrative work for the Matrix on the other side; running the soul trap involves a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy. This data comes from the past life recall of Ken Ogger, as described in his book Super Scio.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm telling you guys this is what hell is. You don't have to speculate further. The only way hell in any way shape or form would work within the system we have, if GOD is real (it is, it's the only thing), is if hell is the way I described it.

      To follow up with the guy that said, "Why does GOD have to be fair." when I suggested this the last time, God doesn't have to be fair. GOD in and of itself is a perfect and unbroken system- in order for it all to work, it has to be balanced in some way, shape or form. Eternal suffering with no reason or end-game makes no sense.

  6. 5 months ago

    • 5 months ago

      What's your fricking problem

      • 5 months ago

        No longer your mother and father anymore.
        Stop trying to take me to your gay cemetery.
        It's my moon motherfricker.

        • 5 months ago

          God M. As a merchant deity, god L is paralleled by another, Postclassic merchant god, the black god M (Madrid Codex).
          Ek Chuah. A Yucatec merchant god who, like god L, was connected to cacao orchards, bore the name Ek Chuah (Landa). This name is usually connected to god M, but could as well refer to god L.[3]
          Bolon-Yokte. Together with the deity Bolon-Yokte ('Nine-Strides'), god L and god M have been argued to represent the abstract idea of travelling and of movement in space and time.[4]
          God K. God L is often combined with god K, the lightning deity who, as an owner of the seeds, was considered a bringer of abundance.[5] More specifically, god L can extend the head of god K, or carry an infant god K in a sling on his back.[6] God K also happens to be the victim of god L as a Venus patron (Dresden Codex).
          Itzamna. It has been suggested that God L is the underworld counterpart of Itzamna, the supreme Maya deity.[7]

          would in this view reflect Proto-Indo-European *-gʷn-t-ih, from the root *gʷʰen- "to strike / beat / kill".
          Glean your own snacks homosexual.

          • 5 months ago


  7. 5 months ago

    this is 'hell'.

    if hell were to exist, wouldn't billions of years of punishment net 'a better world'?
    instead we live on a plane with an endless stream of evil, where if you do 'nothing', evil wins.
    if you want to punish evil, you have to lower yourself to it. what a joke...

  8. 5 months ago

    I hope hell will just be a very very long dream where pain is just acted and is really not that bad

    • 5 months ago

      we all hope that it's just a cruel joke, a sectarian tactic to scare masses into submission. but some people claim that they experienced THAT and it was beyond horrible... the idea of hell is so cruel that i can't imagine existence of any benevolent deity that is tolerant to such an atrocity

  9. 5 months ago

    I had a very weird dream, I was in an underground water cave, dark and cold. Only my head was above water. I was completely alone. I wasn't scared, but it wasn't a nice place. Completely alone. Just being there in the water. I don't want to think about it.

    • 5 months ago

      i think that alone and void experiences are kinda cool because they don't scare me that much as literal fire and demons

  10. 5 months ago

    Hell is the process of tormenting a soul until it no longer wants or feels.

    Human emotion loss level.

    It is orchestrated by the universe and angels and demons are summoned to instill their wrath until you are with your logic and without emotion.

    People emerge differently from Hell and some are functioning members of society, whilst some have logics that counteract being so normal.

    • 5 months ago

      >until it no longer wants or feels.
      what, why?
      >People emerge differently from Hell and some are functioning members of society
      how do they emerge from hell, they're dead...

      • 5 months ago

        Because the world order wishes to see that crimes go punished within this lifetime. The most radical souls as orchestrated by the universe are feared since people think the past is going to repeat like Hitler for example.

        Hell exists on Earth, I doubt I will be able to prove it to a closed mind. On Earth as it is in Heaven.

  11. 5 months ago
    Kaleb Adam Gordon

    Survival is a cool idea but that suggests you have no idea of what the concept of hell actually is.
    Literal forced non-movement, no reprieve, utter despair and hopelessness.
    If heaven is utter perfection then just extrapolate the opposite.
    It's scary.
    The only way to survive hell is through Jesus Christ's loving grace.
    Merry Christmas anon.

    • 5 months ago

      The truth about Hell being a prison for the body not the mind has been hidden from most throughout history.

      The initial stages of hell are a systematic programming and analysis consisting of torment and despair. But the majority of Hell is full of people who have surpassed this stage, as long as it might be. For the lesser criminal element, there can be a carrying with emotion into work and a life. The greater criminal element and those innocents chosen are given a bodily prison in their homes or the system, where they cultivate their minds.

      If you are not a coward you do not push your sins onto another because you do not know the nature of the force you are dealing with and how it might misdirect such a notion.

      Heaven contains all and cycles in designated ways through the various states in part.

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