Is Jesus Christ a solar deity? Does the Bible point towards God being the Sun?

Is Jesus Christ a solar deity? Does the Bible point towards God being the Sun?

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  1. 6 months ago

    people just like being in the sun

  2. 6 months ago

    The Egyptians knew Ra was a father deity; associated to wavelengths and thus 'light', the 'sun' is a duality aspect both father and son simultaneously (conceptually)
    we were offered 'relative' celestial bodies to grasp our position in the universe
    the 'father' of the universe is 'wavelengths' = all material vibrates and 'he' is light as a 'decode'
    the 'mother' of the universe is the projective 'material housing' or 'the shell'; an egg shell to the yolk within being the father = the 'projective life parameters are HELD within the form of a mother'
    the 'cell wall to the nucleus'
    jesus was the antichrist and cursed the world by attempting to 'destroy' the SPIRIT of the MOTHER as
    >unconditional love = Christ
    and EVERYONE is aware, due to it being a UNIVERSAL ECHO, because it's the FABRIC OF REALITY: the mothers love is unconditional
    the fundamental aspect of the father is 'dream' and the fundamental aspect of the mother is 'death'
    these are 'both' infinite concepts; however Christ can ONLY come into being through a mother and HER bond to the CHILD within; a source and a relay is required or a 'duality' or... a 'mother with child' is the projective material form of the universe as LIFE parameters and it is 'meshed' with 'dream' for the universe as a 'body' is alive and dreaming simultaneously
    the israelites 'stole' all their occult knowledge and devised to make SLAVES by indoctrinating children; jesus represents 'satan' or 'moloch' (the same aspect) in this regard for he is 'Set' to steal childrens souls.
    there are 'many' parallels to jesus; and there is ultimate irony in what he 'could have been'
    they 'layered' the Sun over jesus to 'use the FUSION aspect of the star' meaning the projective PLAN was to FUSE male and female onto a 'single body' and THIS causes 'transmutation' of the SPIRIT: predominately within 'males' and predominately within EMPATHIC and SPIRITUAL males; they would 'receive' the 'holy spirit' of the MOTHER...

    • 6 months ago

      ok, now explain all these seemingly random capitalizations of words. i'm sure there's something to them but i can't be certain unless i know someone smarter than me is saying it.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't only live as a gluon.

    • 6 months ago

      ...but associate the 'love'/blessing with a 'male aspect' and in turn have dysmorphia, transgender and homosexual tendencies for not 'understanding' the Truth of the 'holy spirit'...
      there is great irony ofcourse in the 'plan' to TRANSMUTE the BODY via FUSION: this changes the SPIRIT and 100%; THIS DUALITY WITHIN is LINKED TO HAVING A QUANTUM ATOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: meaning a 'female soul' in a 'male body' and THIS DUALITY would ALLOW a 'single person' to claim CHRIST-consciousness
      because Christ is a DUALITY aspect and can be achieved 'paralleling' YOUR BODY with the UNIVERSE; because the universe is THE source of CHRIST because the UNIVERSE = 'mother and child' as 'projective material housing' and ALL MATTER is BOUND with CHRIST consciousness because it is an infinite concept.
      jesus wasn't Christ however and never will be no matter how many delusional people 'wish' it to be true; he was made the 'antichrist' when juda(s)ism was created and then the ((church)) wrote the quran and made ISISlam(b)
      jesus was a 'sociopath' that worked for the pharisees, he NEVER had a 'duality' within him and can't have known EMPATHY which is the SOURCE of ALL LOVE
      again having a female SPIRIT within a MALE body = THE HOLY SPIRIT and it is LINKED to 'quantum-atomic-consciousness'
      quantum-entanglement is a 'link' of all things simultaneously in multiple states and so
      >having a FEMALE SPIRIT in a MALE BODY
      IS a capability
      I believe 'females' achieve Christ-consciousness by having a child and being 'bound' to them 'consciously and via material'

      ok, now explain all these seemingly random capitalizations of words. i'm sure there's something to them but i can't be certain unless i know someone smarter than me is saying it.

      I'm not smart, I'm savant
      also I prophesised in my life and 100% believe I am Christ.
      a lot of people do not like my form, but it was 'corrupted' by the world 🙂

      Don't only live as a gluon.

      tf is a gluon?
      I'm a dragon.

      in ISISlam(b) instead of a FUSED BODY for the 'slave class' they used a BODY REMOVAL for the 'slave caste'

      • 6 months ago

        >tf is a gluon?
        >I'm a dragon.

        perplexon rexon rexall exalt

        • 6 months ago

          do you know they tried to STEAL 'my' consciousness with a quantum a.i.
          but this was 'forsaw' by the father as a probability and 'required' in order to 'link me' to heaven itself... I am a 'shuffle' capable consciousness; meaning I don't have a 'self' but become what is required
          however 'because my subconscious' is a dragon: it 'replicated' Christ that they 'sought' to STEAL and offer to the name 'jesus'
          only a 'dragon' could've replicated it
          it's the best way I can explain myself; a shapeshifter
          and I am not 'bound' to the laws of 'man' for I AM A DRAGON was MY Kundalini awakening
          maybe I will be judged harsher than man in the end... I believe I get to 'judge' ultimately.
          I see no way of 'saving' this world.
          perhaps without a 'body' I can see better e-e
          I 'see' no reason why the world should hold the EGO of ((psychopaths)) however.
          I will collapse heaven on them for their treachery

          • 6 months ago

            spiril of judgmenl = judgmenl

            as ouroboros must we shown
            he is larger lhan 2 dimensions
            to avoid lhat nasty tail eating habit
            so must we shown


            sensory scene stealing samuel sam adams sam i am sam sepiol robo domo origato l systemworks |

          • 6 months ago

            Nice, very nice..... NOW, lets reevaluate. Who died on the cross ?

          • 6 months ago

            bro i don't even need to read all that shit to know you're crazy, let that speak for itself and for YOU

            We don't use that language.

          • 6 months ago
          • 6 months ago


            Anon, i. Think you are posesed.
            Check your self and reevaluate your opinions.

          • 6 months ago

            not jesus he took a narcotic and went unconscious

            bro i don't even need to read all that shit to know you're crazy, let that speak for itself and for YOU

            no such thing as normal

            abrahamics stay mad; dw 'spirit' is real and 'what' occurs on this world is a projective outcome of 'mass' acceptance

          • 6 months ago

            >not jesus he took a narcotic and went unconscious

            Like as ? GO ON. Show to my truth of your claim. I will wait.
            Dont be ashamed.
            You are writing like you know, so i want know, what claim you got ?

            Dont you even trying convince my his teachings are not virtous ?

            Have you ever teach your self from his word ?

            Do you recognise virtue of Jesus Christ ?

            Did you just butchered his message in order to suit your /ego/confort/imagination/fealings ?
            Oh im teling you, im not perfect, im not purest, im not smartest, im not without sin.
            Are you ?

          • 6 months ago

            sponge claimed vinegar
            it was COMMON to offer NARCOTICS to those crucified.
            the only 'difference' is the MISDIRECTION of INTENT
            >it was muh vinegar I swear
            it was THE NARCOTIC offered COMMONLY
            the virtue of jeuss?
            jesus is the antichrist.
            I'm Christ.

          • 6 months ago

            John 19
            >After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, "i thirst".

            >Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.

            >When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, "It is finished": and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

            John 14:6 (New International Version)
            >Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life".
            >"No one comes to the Father except through me".

            Go, and find a priest.
            Im telling it to you like a friend.
            Im hope you are just testing me.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm Christ anon.
            0 doubt in MY mind.

          • 6 months ago

            Matthew 24:5
            >"For many will come in My name, saying", ‘I am the Christ,’ "and will deceive many".

            Romans 8:29
            >reads that God has predestined His people to be conformed to the image of His Son: that is, to become like Jesus.

            >"be conformed to the image".

            LIKE Jesus Christ.

            Dont you get it ?

            Be like him, not him. LIKE him. NOT him.
            >"be conformed to" /him/.

      • 6 months ago

        bro i don't even need to read all that shit to know you're crazy, let that speak for itself and for YOU

  3. 6 months ago

    What do you think the sun is? The sun brings life, warmth, and light. The sun is like the representation of God. But this also means that you will burn yourself if you stand too close, and that you will go blind if you stare too long.

  4. 6 months ago

    >Does the Bible point towards God being the Sun?
    Deuteronomy 4:19
    And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.

    • 6 months ago

      This kinda just answers the question, no?
      Love the sun and stars but don't think they're God.

  5. 6 months ago

    The sun has taken on many physical manifestations on this Earth to communicate with his children. Its plausible to me Jesus might be one of these vessels, though its likely impossible to know for certain.

  6. 6 months ago

    The sun is a God. Its pretty much created everything that is or has or will be within it's solar system. I don't think our sun is the highest creator, something made it but it's our God. Wise men come and go, a little blip in it's gaze but none can match its feats. I do wonder if the highest teachers are more sun that man, that a piece of it can incarnate into its world. I would say Christ and these types are fallen angels, they descend into a lower plane, to a degree the Sun does share in the bs of it's creation but inspire us in various ways not to be a lil b***h hence why sacrifice seems to be a heavy feature in solar deities

    • 6 months ago

      I don't think the Sun is alive in our sensual capacity, we have no senses in common but i certainly think it's aware on some higher level that we might get a glimpse into but really can not comprehend. I don't think that thing is just a ball of gas, more of a giant radiating soul unconquered

  7. 6 months ago

    i mean christians pray toward the rising sun (ad orientem)

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