i get the cosmological arguments, but how do you justify that god being the same god as characterised in your faith and not any other

i get the cosmological arguments, but how do you justify that god being the same god as characterised in your faith and not any other

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  1. 5 months ago

    You're not supposed to ask that question.

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    The cosmological argument themselves are extremely shaky; I've no Idea why people bother with them

  4. 5 months ago

    Idk maybe Monotheism haha. Have you thought about it at all?

    • 5 months ago

      Are you genuinely moronic?
      Did you really not understand the question?

      • 5 months ago

        IQ and religiosity are negatively correlated.

      • 5 months ago

        We all worship the same god, just some people worship god wrong.

        • 5 months ago

          How do you know your understanding is the correct one?

          • 5 months ago

            I don't. But the issue is worshiping god the wrong way, not worshiping the wrong god.

          • 5 months ago

            >here's an argument for why you should be a Christian
            >but this argument applies to Muslims israelites JWs Mormons ect also
            >uh not my problem

            Also doesn't the argument also work for a large god that then creates smaller gods like Chaos from greek mythology?

          • 5 months ago

            So there is no reason to pick Christianity over islam?

          • 5 months ago

            Is the israeli Adonai identical to the triune god of Christianity, Ahura Mazda, Brahman, the form of the good and Aristotle's unmoved mover?

    • 5 months ago

      my question was more about how do you leap from ‘god is real’ to ‘my god is real and yours is not’

      • 5 months ago

        >my question was more about how do you leap from ‘god is real’ to ‘my god is real and yours is not’
        Do you have any examples of that? I've never really seen that. Most people are monotheist and believe in the same god even though they have different religions like Christianity and Islam. So it really comes down to monotheism vs polytheism but you would have trouble finding any polytheists since 90% of world is Christian or muslim

        • 5 months ago

          god is characterised differently in each abrahamic religion ie the trinity, they are not the same god
          i think you are misunderstanding something about my question

  5. 5 months ago

    We've had this discussion for thousands of years already

  6. 5 months ago

    Christians have apologist scripts given to them by smarter bullshitters that are tailored to stop their church members from leaving.
    They are not meant to convert outsiders, but that fact is hush hush to stop Christian’s from getting suspicious.
    The Christians that parrot these lines do not think so that’s why you’re not getting any coherent responses

  7. 5 months ago

    Only a handful religions claim the prime mover. And with that narrow of a selection you can afford to inspect all of them as to their historical and theological consistency.
    Source: 1 dude who never even saw God
    Theology: Shallow, barely existent
    >Rabbinical Judaism
    Source: Rabbis that fought tooth and nail to purge Judaism of Christian-compatible features
    Theology: Pretty consistent
    Source: Eye-witnesses that supposedly met God incarnate
    Theology: The most consistent and can account for other religions (vice versa isn't true)
    Died out.

    The only problem with Christianity is you have to navigate between a couple denominations, but even there the historical-theological method will guide you to the truth rather quickly.

    • 5 months ago

      Guess what anon, none of them can be correct. God could not fit into any of those religions

      • 5 months ago

        Then good thing none of them claim to contain God in his entirety, but merely the Way to connect with Him.

        • 5 months ago

          They attribute characteristics like human emotions frankly undeveloped ones that are easy to see as fiction, and if you claim you can connect with god you are very bad at proving it.

          • 5 months ago

            Emotions, moods, deliberation etc. are all figures of speech. Source: Isaac the Syrian. In reality God does none of these, since he is outside time: Source: Pseudo-Dionysius
            >very bad proving it
            How so?

          • 5 months ago

            Just retcon after retcon.
            You claim you’re communicating with the architect of the universe but provide nothing in the way of proving it.

          • 5 months ago

            The cat is out of the bag, we now know that the Old Testament is like that because it descends from Mesopotamian polytheism, despite the sincere and serious attempts of later philosophers.

          • 5 months ago

            You mistook a cat for a tiger, Anon. We have known for a long time that the OT (mainly Genesis and Exodus) mirror textual and mythical structures of other cultures and religions. And that is intentional. It's a rebuttal. Just like this reply you're reading does not "descend" from your post, the OT cannot be said to "descend" from Babylonian, Egyptian or Sumerian religions because it opposes them more than anything.

    • 5 months ago

      Christianity is very clearly not monotheist. If God can’t defeat the devil then the devil is a god too. Not to mention Jesus and Yahweh are clearly not the same

      • 5 months ago

        Christianity has one God, therefore monotheist. If you don't see connections between Jesus and YHWH, I encourage you to not close your historical-theological investigation yet.
        >If God can’t defeat the devil then the devil
        He can. But he allows him time to repent. Source: Gregory Nazianzen, Catechetic Speech

        • 5 months ago

          I need you to pause and think about the possibility that part of the job of high ranking Catholics is to dismiss any logical problems with the faith with a defense lawyer stance. Not unlike a defense lawyer defending a client he knows is guilty

          • 5 months ago

            I thought about it but I don't really have anything to show for such an accusation besides pre-existing bias. Their answers are consistent with the rest of the theology and I don't suppose either one of us is in the habit of rejecting answers just because they solve things all too well.

            Just retcon after retcon.
            You claim you’re communicating with the architect of the universe but provide nothing in the way of proving it.

            Again, the historical-theological analysis might serve you very well. Ephrem the Syrian, who like Isaac explicitly teaches that moods are a metaphore, is a 4th century theologian. I don't see how he was forced to write a retcon as opposed to an honest treatsie.
            >nothing in the way of proving it
            Again, how so?

          • 5 months ago

            You can’t just name a guy and say he was a theologian as if that means he wasn’t trying to find a way to protect faith in a given god.
            What do you mean how so? Christians don’t prove God is their god.

          • 5 months ago

            >protect faith
            Against what? You can't just dismiss a widely quoted theologian because he debunks your idea of Christian theology.
            >Christians don’t prove God is their god.

            Only a handful religions claim the prime mover. And with that narrow of a selection you can afford to inspect all of them as to their historical and theological consistency.
            Source: 1 dude who never even saw God
            Theology: Shallow, barely existent
            >Rabbinical Judaism
            Source: Rabbis that fought tooth and nail to purge Judaism of Christian-compatible features
            Theology: Pretty consistent
            Source: Eye-witnesses that supposedly met God incarnate
            Theology: The most consistent and can account for other religions (vice versa isn't true)
            Died out.

            The only problem with Christianity is you have to navigate between a couple denominations, but even there the historical-theological method will guide you to the truth rather quickly.

            I describe a historical-theological method that you are clearly yet to apply, which will yield pretty solid conclusions about which religion is likely to be about the prime mover. If you want some proof beyond finding the right religion, beyond the possibility to see God for yourself, beyond miracles etc, name the method you want proof to be established with and I will try to provide. But you were given plenty of evidence and I don't see that you've really processed any of that.

          • 5 months ago

            A retcon by a Christians 1000-1500 years after the Bible was written does not make it fact.
            You didn’t provide any methodology to show your god is God. It could easily be a being or entity known in no religions. It could be a black hole in another dimension or an energetic particle for all we know

          • 5 months ago

            Calling it a retcon and a "defense" doesn't make it fake either. Especially when you can't make a case against whom he was defending the scripture. My source is a well-recognized theologian. Your source is a pre-existing bias...
            >You didn’t provide any methodology
            Please see list of evidence in

            >protect faith
            Against what? You can't just dismiss a widely quoted theologian because he debunks your idea of Christian theology.
            >Christians don’t prove God is their god.
            In [...] I describe a historical-theological method that you are clearly yet to apply, which will yield pretty solid conclusions about which religion is likely to be about the prime mover. If you want some proof beyond finding the right religion, beyond the possibility to see God for yourself, beyond miracles etc, name the method you want proof to be established with and I will try to provide. But you were given plenty of evidence and I don't see that you've really processed any of that.

            And again, if you are unsatistied with what you got, name the method you prefer and I will try to provide. Dismissing evidence based on nothing but bias and then insiting I convince you anyway doesn't really make a very good case for you.
            >black hole
            >particle for all we know
            So I take it you're not the OP, who said "i get the cosmological arguments"? It seems both the cosmological and the historical-theological arguments are still slightly above your grasp, how do you expect to be convinced of anything in this thread? I can fill my burden seven times over and you'll walk away no wiser.

          • 5 months ago

            >You didn’t provide any methodology to show your god is God. It could easily be a being or entity known in no religions. It could be a black hole in another dimension or an energetic particle for all we know
            This is nonsense

    • 5 months ago

      >Died out.
      They're still around, and the faith "dying out" isn't a mark against the faith being correct.
      Particularly a God that doesn't intervene in the world, like a Deistic God.

  8. 5 months ago

    Are you aware that Christians argue against other religions?

  9. 5 months ago

    >i get the cosmological arguments

  10. 5 months ago



    • 5 months ago

      The only one of those that's proven to a historical standard is the crucifixion.
      The nativity is particularly dicey, and I'm not talking about the supernatural parts.

      There is zero evidence of the census in Matthew taking place, in fact we have zero evidence of any similar census taking place.
      All we have is small regional censuses which did not require anyone to return to their "home town", let alone their ancestor's home town from centuries prior.

      • 5 months ago

        Who gets to decide what "historical standard" are?

        • 5 months ago

          You're free to make the argument here for why those other events are historical, but you can't just declare that they are historical when historians don't even support that conclusion.

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