Explain Why Atheism Exists

If the spiritual is so real, why can't most people commune with it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    They can, all the great sages realised there is no individual named God. It’s religious people who are too disconnected to know this.

  2. 5 months ago

    It's because most people are moronic

  3. 5 months ago

    God created atheism.

    • 5 months ago


      God also has a left hand


  4. 5 months ago

    Bell Curve phenomena. The midwit is unable to escape the atheist-trap, while both moron and genius are.

    • 5 months ago

      moron-genius here. have indeed escaped. Jesus is Lord.

      • 5 months ago

        Lord is not Jesus though; abandon language, is what i'd say to myself if i did not agree with myself.

  5. 5 months ago

    The spiritual abilities waned so that humanity can develop as independent and free individuals. That was not possible in the past, because people felt like being a part of the whole cosmos.

  6. 5 months ago
    The Sage In All Fields

    >atheist believes in no god
    >believes in nothing
    >yet something exists, as proven by their own existence and verbalization of their opinion
    >therefore must believe in the miraculous something that miraculously came from nothing
    Angsty children bent on dwelling within victim mentality - so that they may hold onto that story/belief that they are lacking - claim to be atheists. And they make this claim openly, to find their ilk, give their life meaning, and satiate the ego. Relative to the alternative, it keeps one small.
    >If the spiritual is so real, why can't most people commune with it?
    If WiFi is so real, why can’t most people feel it?

    • 5 months ago

      must believe in the miraculous something that miraculously came from nothing
      You mean God? The one that miraculously was always there and that miraculously created everything by a flick of his wrist out of actual nothingness?

  7. 5 months ago

    God also has a left hand

  8. 5 months ago

    because entry into the spiritual realm starts with faith, and the modern school system takes out that whole idea from people's minds.

  9. 5 months ago

    inner eye closed. not a permanent condition.

  10. 5 months ago

    spirit is a quality of mind. i.e. habitual patterns of thought. most of heard a comment of another "they are in good spirits today" or the religious reference "go with in the spirit of god". both examples referring to specific patterns of thought. from this perspective it is possible commune / observe and study our own patterns of thought. through daily activities or mediation etc.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Explain Why Atheism Exists
    Monkeys trying to claim the throne of God by wishfully assuming it's absent.

    • 5 months ago

      >monkeys splits atom and loses his shit
      >God does this in every star in reality constantly without thinking about it
      >muh power levels
      >muh goku and superman meta plot armor

      • 5 months ago

        >the heros power i directly correlated to how many comic books they sell.
        >human beings imitating God through stories or even IRL politics all resort to winning popularity contests
        >real God hates humans and tells us to frick off, literally the weird kid in school only supreme in power, hates all the other kids.

  12. 5 months ago

    They choose not to. It's easier to deny the existence of God. It makes your decisions easier to make when you're only accountable to yourself. Every atheist I've ever met is a bitter materialistic pseudo intellectual. That stereotype is there for a reason lol it's a sad life and even sadder after life.

  13. 5 months ago

    Everyone is communing with it all the time just by existing. It's purely a matter of perception.

  14. 5 months ago

    there’s a lot of sound frequencies humans can’t hear but are very real. you have to change your way of perceiving. most people got beainwashed in school snd sound like you, utterly closed off snd moronic

  15. 5 months ago

    What I want to know instead is how can anyone claim to know exactly what their supposed "god" is like when their only experiences with him are a book written by the israelites(people that some of them claim to hate) over 2000 years ago and by taking drugs(which are shunned by most christian denominations).

  16. 5 months ago

    Atheism and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. You're just blinded by organized religion standpoint and cannot fathom 'spirituality' outside of the walls of its doctrine. Hell, there are even spiritual people who happen to be materialists in their worldview. Reality is more complex than black or white.

    • 5 months ago

      A spiritual materialist lmao shuuuut the frick up dude, that's the dumbest shit I've read all yr...

      • 5 months ago

        The distinction of material and spiritual is an illusory duality.

  17. 5 months ago

    see the thing about the spirit realm is...

  18. 5 months ago

    because the point of eternity is that it is always. what if always wanted to understand never? that's why some are here.

  19. 5 months ago

    Jesus is real but religion is mostly dogmatic bullshit. I'm agnostic in that I don't slavishly follow one tradition and learn from many sources.

    • 5 months ago

      i'd say Jesus is the point of inflection of true and fictional, and that's precisely where the power of the symbol resides, but the body that moved, spoke and commanded asked us for mercy, for what the experience of the flesh is.

      now the sacrificial lamb makes sense, doesn't it?

  20. 5 months ago

    turning of the cross causes one to wake, sleep, eat etc... match the animals with the constellations and the stories click in place.

  21. 5 months ago

    How do we know what is true? We determine a statement to be true / false by comparing the statement to a sensory impression, another statement and / or observer. For example:
    >Grim Hitch has grey hair.
    We determine this statement to be true by comparing this statement to the sensory impression / picrel and to our idea of what grey hair looks like.

    Now consider the statement:
    >God exist.
    We can compare this statement to our idea of God and to our sensory impression of God or lack thereof. If only our idea and sensory impression is the standard of determining the statement to be true / false then we risk coming to the wrong conclusion from blindness or schizophrenia. Consensus does not solve that problem either. It can be useful to determine the statement true / false but we prefer to determine true / false regardless of uusefulness. Then how do we come to the right conclusiin?

    Another way to determine truth is to look at more than one comparison and see how consistent statements relate to eachother starting from a premise. Christians may have an advantage that way for example in case atheists claim objective morality without objective standard and in case atheists claim something from nothing.

    Of course atheists deny making any other claim than God not existing but atheists can not deny having a worldview that is inconsistent. Everyone has a worldview but not all worldviews are equally consistent. Still, as an agnostic, my default position is seeing = believing. I can forget everything I've learned and all I'm left with is unknown sensations.

  22. 5 months ago

    Men need to suffer difficulties before they Turn to god. If you dont feel pressure, you will Not try to Change yourself.

  23. 5 months ago

    Free will. You don't have free access to spirituality at this density, we will when we move to 4th density. You're here to discover it on your own.

  24. 5 months ago

    Atheists are victims of their own intelligence. They haven’t considered that thought is evidence of god. Where the water runs downhill and collects into stream and rivers, that is where you find god. These paths are like thoughts in that some thoughts lead to others, as the we drink the water and learn the secrets that catch us. Thought comes from the external too.

  25. 5 months ago

    Because the enjoyment of a day doesn't require a higher power. Just the ability to shut up and enjoy the day.

  26. 5 months ago

    >When I was a young boy I heard about christianity
    >Assume it is like anything else I was lead to believe
    >We have evidence of it therefore it is real
    >In a seminar someone mentions other religions
    >Wait what the frick?
    >What do you mena other religions?
    >If god is real surelly we have conrete evidence....and there is only one
    >realized after that most religous people fall into 2 categories
    >Indoctrinated people who can't admit they wasted all this time on this bullshit never realizing that if they lived somewhere else they would be indoctrinated into a different religion
    >Actuall intelectual morons. People who are straigt up not questioning their belief system because they are too stupid to even recognize all the contradictions
    Honestly you can't go back after that
    I tried man
    I tought maybe all religions are just misguided and they are "mistranslating" the truth but at a ceartain point you just realize how stupid the average pesron is

  27. 5 months ago

    the spiritual ISN'T real. it's a tool used to control, one that has outlived it's usefulness.

  28. 5 months ago

    >most people
    atheism is a tiny minority, it's just materialist westerners who've drowned it out for themselves

  29. 5 months ago

    Many are called. Few are chosen.

    Why, OP, are you so obsessed with C Hitchens, who was a bisexual, alcoholic pseudointellectual?

    • 5 months ago

      He was literally the most influential Anglo-American thinker of my lifetime.

      • 5 months ago

        Pseudointellectuals are popular because they appeal to ideas men and women of low birth have regarding truth, philosophy, science and theology.

  30. 5 months ago

    Anyone can hear them. Its just how you gonna hear shit being a pussy? Let alone one whose entire life is predicated on weed, sex, and being a wagie?

  31. 5 months ago

    Good communicates with you using your inner monolouge. Not everyone has one and nly some of those that do become aware of this and realize that their brain is being driven by another entity. He often speaks in the first person in order for you to think it's yourself.

  32. 5 months ago

    The average human does commune with the spiritual. Atheism only exists in any signifigant amount in Communist Hellscapes like China, or in very comfy Western countries where our way of life puts more emphasis on the comfy material world we have created, rather than the very uncomfortable Spiritual world that says "you guys suck."

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