Christians and Cannabis

When you're born again in Jesus, you have a different more spiritual experience smoking cannabis than those that still walk according to the flesh.

When a Christian smokes cannabis, it intensifies the spirit VS flesh battle within you. The Holy Spirit VS Lucifer inside. Back when I smoked weed, I always started speaking like Jesus with Bible verses speaking against Satan within me. I would rebuke Satan/Lucifer and pretty much have spirit battles with him. Satan can channel you when you smoke cannabis.

Non-christians are deceived into thinking Satan doesn't exist, and since Satan cares about only man and not God, the weed won't give them the flesh VS spirit battle experience, so they think Satan doesn't exist under THC. Satan lies to Christ believers when high and puts them in psychosis's and schizofrenia is just your mind channeling people and spirits. It's an ability not an illness if mastered.

Weed is called the devil's lettuce because you can also see "the fly" inside your mind visually. Some cross their legs, some are pretty fly guys. It's obvious, Cannabis (at first if you don't conquer satan) is Herbal Beelzebub. I on the other hand conqoured all demons and gods of Egypt, Satan in his fly form, Satan in his Lucifer form, etc.

Smoke weed now and attempt to pray and talk about God/Jesus. Watch the fly get mad!
THC lasts 40 days and 40 nights in ur system, which is how many days Jesus was tempted by Satan.

Wake up.
You can still smoke weed just keep winning the good fight and you will trample upon the serpent every time.

>who else experiences the devil within when smoking electric lettuce?

The Cannabis plant, appealing to the eyes, and one to make one wise. Like the forbidden fruit of Eden.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Wanna experience Herbal Beelzebub?
    Go here!


    • 6 months ago

      The Cannabis dispensary got flied!


      Even GhostPolitics from True Capitalist Radio couldn't handle THE FLY!


  2. 6 months ago

    Genesis 1:29

    Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you.

    • 6 months ago

      When you're born again in Jesus, you have a different more spiritual experience smoking cannabis than those that still walk according to the flesh.

      When a Christian smokes cannabis, it intensifies the spirit VS flesh battle within you. The Holy Spirit VS Lucifer inside. Back when I smoked weed, I always started speaking like Jesus with Bible verses speaking against Satan within me. I would rebuke Satan/Lucifer and pretty much have spirit battles with him. Satan can channel you when you smoke cannabis.

      Non-christians are deceived into thinking Satan doesn't exist, and since Satan cares about only man and not God, the weed won't give them the flesh VS spirit battle experience, so they think Satan doesn't exist under THC. Satan lies to Christ believers when high and puts them in psychosis's and schizofrenia is just your mind channeling people and spirits. It's an ability not an illness if mastered.

      Weed is called the devil's lettuce because you can also see "the fly" inside your mind visually. Some cross their legs, some are pretty fly guys. It's obvious, Cannabis (at first if you don't conquer satan) is Herbal Beelzebub. I on the other hand conqoured all demons and gods of Egypt, Satan in his fly form, Satan in his Lucifer form, etc.

      Smoke weed now and attempt to pray and talk about God/Jesus. Watch the fly get mad!
      THC lasts 40 days and 40 nights in ur system, which is how many days Jesus was tempted by Satan.

      Wake up.
      You can still smoke weed just keep winning the good fight and you will trample upon the serpent every time.

      >who else experiences the devil within when smoking electric lettuce?

      The Cannabis plant, appealing to the eyes, and one to make one wise. Like the forbidden fruit of Eden.

      Frop without slack is like slack without frop.


    • 6 months ago

      Lord put it in the earth! Praise yah!

  3. 6 months ago

    >schizofrenia is just your mind channeling people and spirits. It's an ability not an illness if mastered.

    Pic related

    • 6 months ago

      I started hearing voices after smoking pot for a while years ago

    • 6 months ago

      Do you have more of this? Remember you made a thread long ago.

      Diagnosed schizofrenic and self healed without meds, I consume weed too.

      For me it was the Quran that has helped me manage all this. Alhamdillah.

      • 6 months ago

        >more of this?
        I only have the 4 pages in each separate picture, if you want me to post them?

        >the Quran
        There are many things I could say to you but that's 4 another bread.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago




          This is some strong schizophrenia right here.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          That is some really nicely written out and easy to read writing.

          • 6 months ago

            Thanks people have said that

            I am a much kinder human being when high. Go pester bud light with that Religious propaganda.

            Cannabis elevates both flesh and spirit

    • 6 months ago

      I'm not reading this low-quality shit
      *reads it anyway*
      Yup, shitty

      • 6 months ago

        If you couldn't fight the temptation to consume the thing then you are not 'above' the thing

  4. 6 months ago

    That explains a lot. I have been a saint and turned right around to be a monster of a human being in the span of a week while getting high every day.

  5. 6 months ago

    Also cannabis was genetically engineered from surviving parts of the lost historical Tree of Life genome but that's another story. But if you notice carefully which people oppose decriminalization it all starts to make sense.

    • 6 months ago

      They’re fricking with the weed too. The legal weed is shit, they pump up the thc and remove all other cannabinoids so that it makes you feel like shit.

    • 6 months ago

      source? im curious

  6. 6 months ago

    Pretentiousness: the post

  7. 6 months ago

    dont smoke weed if you're christian period, you're trying to mix the 2 kingdoms together

    • 6 months ago

      exactly lmao newgens are crazy with their weed excuses

  8. 6 months ago


  9. 6 months ago

    with the Holy Spirit you dont need weed to do that.
    I had to stop because the spiritual attacks got too intense when on weed.

  10. 6 months ago

    jesus christ, shut the frick up

  11. 6 months ago

    You're not a believer, you're a fricking demonic c**t junkie trying to bring demons into people's bodies
    Jesus never said to consume certain plants to talk to God, thats what shamans and other pagans do

    • 6 months ago

      I never said smoke to talk to God I said Satan can channel u on it.

      Ur a homosexual

  12. 6 months ago

    oh shut the frick up you like the weed version of one of those tweakers that smokes meth and reads the Bible

  13. 6 months ago

    Weed causes you to hear voices that sound super edgy and demonic. I always have this female voice sound like she's angrily hyping me up while I'm high. Weed also makes me feel like I have an instant god complex and then suddenly all my 5 senses are amplified and I feel like I'm the God of the Universe and super edgy and savage and there can be no wrongdoing in my entire life. It's an incredibly dangerous drug if your genetics can not handle the THC. In other people I've noticed it doesn't really affect them that much. Marijuana can cause illusions and hallucinations. Everytime I smoke weed my face feels like a mask.

  14. 6 months ago

    Amen brother
    weed is a tool like a hammer
    You can build a homeless person a house or you can smash them in the skull until they die
    Both actions pretty much solves their homelessness but in profoundly different ways
    It says in the Bible that we are given dominion over the world and it's contents, specifically HERBS which some Christians do mental gymnastics to dismiss.
    The Bible also does not forbid alcohol consumption, just drunkenness

    • 6 months ago

      I called cannabis the ponder plant before for the way it enhances focus

  15. 6 months ago

    good vs zombies

    present tense
    past tense
    not living


    vampires: feed off of the life(force) of the living: soul: corrupted religion
    zombies: feed off of the minds of the living: spirit: corrupted government
    werewolves: feed off the bodies of the living: body: corrupted corporation

  16. 6 months ago

    IDK, but you were probably just locked in a psychic battle with your own resident evils. Beings that come from that shard of history in which 'satan' is a main character of their plot are understandably stuck on that narrative. Expand beyond that and understand that there are ever higher tiers to the dynamism of good versus evil, and that your satan character is an underling compared to the higher tiers. This is where the whole 'if god is good why does it allow evil' part comes into play. For a 'plot' to exist, it requires actors. These actors perform their role as mechanisms to unlock ever greater meanings. If you wish you may understand then that there exist many innocent beings that are inherently good, have been exposed to such mind warping chemicals, and are entirely ignorant of the spirituality you are preaching, and that to them you come off as a religious nut. Beyond this minor discrepancy and back to the far more annoying issue of 'if good is good why does it allow evil', understand too that, unfortunately, prime ontological evil is still sourced from god, being the source of all, and that we mortals must carefully navigate the chaotic waters we are born in to survive such god level psychosis, at least until reality discovers a better way for itself to subsist without such primordial entertainment systems. Also somewhat understandably, if you would imagine a true utopiac heaven that fully satisfies you and your peoples in all ways, and stretch it out onward into infinity, it will likely eventually include some form of newly provocative entertainment, and I cannot currently fathom a way for god to do this for itself without confiding within some sliver of itself that mischievous ontological trickster that is the compelling nemesis character, evil. In other words, for you all to be entertained in the far, far future, someone needs to eventually play the bad guy, someone for all that zeal you possess to be your punching bag. Just be good.

  17. 6 months ago

    Wtf is an AI writing this shit.

    • 6 months ago

      Spend some time in the psych ward and you'll meet loads of people who talk just like this.

      • 6 months ago

        And did they all smoke pot?

  18. 6 months ago

    Ever listen to the band, FlyLeaf? Well there's a new variation of fly leaf under the sun, which will make you wonder about when you see a person cross their legs, or rub their hands. I call this one, Magnifiquea Paprika.It's herbal Beelzebub! Is there any truth to this skit? Well, I don't know..The flesh is dualistic in nature, and the sin inside us and any pop-up thoughts of the flesh is from satan, thus with positive and negative thinking there is "good trips" and your chosen "bad trips", all depending on how you think. Positive thinking is key to using safe, fine medical marijuana. This is purely a joke with a hint of who knows. What's the, BUZZ, around town?Can you handle, THE FLY? (NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART) THIS TWITTER IS NOT BREAKING ANY RULES, LEGAL, AND DANGEROUS!Who the hell owns that account anyway?I've actually, believe it or not, smoked two full on bowls, and went to that account, read, scrolled, and looked diligently at every picture on it. Did I not say I have defeated satan? What phases me? I even seen what appeared to be the locusts of the bottomless pit, worse than the Mecoptera fly. Hey, the scorpion fly is actually an easier one to look at than the hairy black horse fly.

    • 6 months ago

      If you need an excuse to quit marijuana if you are the type that finds it's bad for you, well, here's your excuse. As for me, I know this skit's a concept, I use medical marijuana trusted by dispensaries for positive thinking, emotions, and muscle/bone pain from my back and mainly feet. I do 6-8 hour walks almost every day. I don't drive. Sometimes I need a boost when I'm all by myself just to get motivated in the morning, when I think, who cares about me? Day and night, what what the lonely stoner likes to free his mind at night, at at at night. Alright? I can testify and reassure that when I enter Cannabis-Consciousness, the ponder plant puts me into more sound wisdom and critical thinking, that I have gotten over many negative things on it.

      Old family photo's and friends who are now gone, I was hurting so much until I smoked and told myself, I don't need to feel this much pain anymore. It's true, positive cognitive thinking happens on pot, solong as you apply knowledge. Your typical dumb stoner will use marijuana as a party drug, going, yeeeaaa duuuude I'm flllyyyin hiiiigh duuuude. While I actually use it medically. Also, fellow cannabis users, please stop littering your dispensary trash on the ground you're making us look bad. I mean, I see pot packages in parks and near schools, it's sick. There's a difference between those with applied awareness of self who smoke marijuana, the born again, and those who blindly smoke and say, I got a bad trip dude and get into psycosis because their brains aren't fuller in development under 21 years of age, and when I was a teenager, and first smoked, yes, I got into what is termed a psychosis. But you know what fixed it? I had to enter back into the Cannabis-Consciousness paradigm as an adult to see the realm of state of mind I was in, and realize how my mind works on THC/CBD. Sometimes to fix the problem, you gotta face the problem, and conquer it, that maybe it was just your way of thinking the whole time, for you did not know.The hylocos human is of the earth-bound state, purley bewildered by the fatasims and materialistic ways of this systematically conditioned world, tending after their carnal desires and nature of the flesh, being unspiritual, knowing only the world and not applying any knowledge to know yourself.

      Christians have different highs than non-believers because Christians acknowledge God in all their thoughts and have Ruach HaKodesh.

      • 6 months ago

        I'm a better person when I'm high too it's a double edge sword. It has many benifits but bad trips come from the devil.

        God is going to take it away from you to humble you.

        • 6 months ago

          nah, you just thought you could plant evil happenings through text on a screen.
          begone, witchcrafter. you have no power in reality

        • 6 months ago

          I'll be smoking weed until I die

  19. 6 months ago

    If you need an excuse to quit marijuana if you are the type that finds it's bad for you, well, here's your excuse. As for me, I know this skit's a concept, I use medical marijuana trusted by dispensaries for positive thinking, emotions, and muscle/bone pain from my back and mainly feet. I do 6-8 hour walks almost every day. I don't drive. Sometimes I need a boost when I'm all by myself just to get motivated in the morning, when I think, who cares about me? Day and night, what what the lonely stoner likes to free his mind at night, at at at night. Alright? I can testify and reassure that when I enter Cannabis-Consciousness, the ponder plant puts me into more sound wisdom and critical thinking, that I have gotten over many negative things on it.

  20. 6 months ago

    Weed made the devil come inside me

  21. 6 months ago

    Old family photo's and friends who are now gone, I was hurting so much until I smoked and told myself, I don't need to feel this much pain anymore. It's true, positive cognitive thinking happens on pot, solong as you apply knowledge. Your typical dumb stoner will use marijuana as a party drug, going, yeeeaaa duuuude I'm flllyyyin hiiiigh duuuude. While I actually use it medically. Also, fellow cannabis users, please stop littering your dispensary trash on the ground you're making us look bad. I mean, I see pot packages in parks and near schools, it's sick. There's a difference between those with applied awareness of self who smoke marijuana, the born again, and those who blindly smoke and say, I got a bad trip dude and get into psycosis because their brains aren't fuller in development under 21 years of age, and when I was a teenager, and first smoked, yes, I got into what is termed a psychosis. But you know what fixed it? I had to enter back into the Cannabis-Consciousness paradigm as an adult to see the realm of state of mind I was in, and realize how my mind works on THC/CBD. Sometimes to fix the problem, you gotta face the problem, and conquer it, that maybe it was just your way of thinking the whole time, for you did not know.The hylocos human is of the earth-bound state, purley bewildered by the fatasims and materialistic ways of this systematically conditioned world, tending after their carnal desires and nature of the flesh, being unspiritual, knowing only the world and not applying any knowledge to know yourself.

  22. 6 months ago

    Christ, the annointed with cannabis oil.

  23. 6 months ago

    We all start off, lest you recieve the Holy Spirit in the womb as John, worldly sinners, by the curse of sin, which swept through the world even effecting the creeping thing, and beast of the field, and fowl of the air, and aquatic life. In the end, the lion shall dwell with the wolf and with the lamb. Yea, the lion shall eat straw as the cow. Fear not pot, but, know, sure if you smoke it you could open up to dark spirits, but simply rebuke them they don't bother me much. I am above any "bad trip" and, I have smoked in very bad moods, and all of a sudden, thought of ways so snap out of it. Positive thinking for me is natural when I smoke pot. Hey, Jesus created wine, and alcohol was in the best wine saved for last, but usually they serve the best first, so when you are drunk, then the bad is tolerable. Sotoo, if at the wedding feast there is wine, I did think, will the Marijuana plant, have a new creation without sin? For God did create it. It makes you think. It's the ponder plant. Look at a scale, it has two sides. One can be positive, one negative, that's as our flesh. We are dualistic beings. If someone smoked pot, had a bad experience, they'd say, surely all this is a cover up. Believe what you will.To some, an action is sin, to others, it isn't. One can handle drinking a few beers and not get into trouble, others, they cannot control themselves. The consumption of strong drink quenches the spirit. You become more fleshly.

  24. 6 months ago

    I am a much kinder human being when high. Go pester bud light with that Religious propaganda.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm a better person when I'm high too it's a double edge sword. It has many benifits but bad trips come from the devil.

      • 6 months ago

        I thought that too for a while, like i was unable to act in the way i wanted to act unless I was high. The paranoia is created would basically force me into being a better person. When i tired to quit I would immediatly act worse and then decide I needed weed to function. What I didnt realize is this was only an effect of the body removing the weed. You will have no motivation and do more sinful activites for a month or two, but then once everything evens out you're just back to being the same person you were high, while sober. Your natural state has become that.
        The fact I never have to deal with the paranoia of weed again is ablessing like none other, i still smoke CBD joints from time to time though cause it helps me sleep.

  25. 6 months ago

    You actually just sounds schizophrenic. I'm a weed smoking Christian myself. Next you will discover Lipton Green Tea, and you will type paragraphs about how it raises your spiritual energy and helps you expel demons from your mind... Because you're schizo.

    • 6 months ago

      >Next you will discover Lipton Green Tea, and you will type paragraphs about how it raises your spiritual energy and helps you expel demons from your mind
      I could actually believe this.

  26. 6 months ago


  27. 6 months ago

    The only solid reason for not using weed is that it puts you on a lower level of yourself. In terms of energy, willpower, concentration, quality of thought, etc. That also doesn't mean that there's no reason to smoke weed, sometimes you want to be in that situation.

    • 6 months ago

      I find weed elevates me to higher levels

  28. 6 months ago

    weeds lol

    je-sus (french)
    je: I
    sus: know

    crist, cris, crux, cross
    a good tool for measuring the position of stars
    do you know the mazzaroth?

    • 6 months ago

      >do you know the mazzaroth
      No sir I don't

    • 6 months ago

      >sus: know
      The closest you'll get is "je suis" = I am
      sus is not a French word
      This website fails to write French words properly 100% of the time.

  29. 6 months ago

    Lord of the flies song

    See, even they know

  30. 6 months ago

    Weed is good

    You should smoke it everyday

    • 6 months ago

      Smoking some Kosher Kush blessed by a rabbi now! Indica 42% THC.

  31. 6 months ago

    What if schizofrenia is caused by eating the weed not smoking it?

  32. 6 months ago

    People like indica more than sativa

  33. 6 months ago

    Through the power of Jesus Christ and God the Father, I have been cannabis free for 10 months. I was taking such high doses of edibles before I quit that I was losing my grip on reality. I think cannabis is very harmful both physically and spiritually. Terrible for your lungs, and I think it acts like a fungus in your body if ingested orally. Terrible for your spirit. I don't need drugs, I'm already filled with the holy spirit.

    • 6 months ago

      it's always some burn out abuse maxx users who end up "getting clean" and then talking about how they think it's harmful physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc
      look homosexual, you were a moron, it doesn't mean the substance that God created is bad, it means you were a weak willed homosexual who didn't want to do anything but "get higher lol"

  34. 6 months ago

    There is a difference between the ridiculous strength we have now, compared to Cannabis of yesteryear.In moderation for things such as epilepsy and cancer it should be a no brainer, but it should be administered as tinctures. High THC recreationally should be avoided by everyone imo.Dabs and things like that are gluttony and excess; they're what spirits are compared to wine. God wants us to be truthful and make progress in our battles with vices and sins, if you're trying to quit, pray to him for direction and strength. It starts with being honest with yourself.

  35. 6 months ago

    >he can't tell when lesser shape-shifting spirits are fricking with him

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