>can't be christian or muslim because I don't believe in hell

>can't be christian or muslim because I don't believe in hell
>can't be atheist because I believe in god
>can't be buddhist because I believe in souls
>hinduism is too rooted in indian culture for me to properly engage with as an american
>judaism is an ethnoreligion
>zoroastrianism is an ethnoreligion
>shinto is an ehtnoreligion
>neopaganism is 90% larp
the frick am I supposed to do? how am I supposed to be religious when no major religion lines up with what I believe?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Make up your own rituals. You don't even have to make it super larpy and straight up invent OC donut steel gods.

    • 5 months ago

      ok but how would I know if I'm doing it right?

  2. 5 months ago

    All the major religions believe in some kind of hell lmao. Yes, even Buddhism, they have more than one hell actually

    • 5 months ago

      I'm highly dubious of anyone who claims to have any certainty about the afterlife. I believe that my soul doesn't die when my body does but I have no idea what actually happens to it after that point.
      hell as a concept is pretty stupid though, it's ridiculous to me that anyone could find the idea of another person being endlessly tortured justifiable.

      • 5 months ago

        >I'm highly dubious of anyone who claims to have any certainty about the afterlife
        >proceeds to name his own belief in an afterlife, but draws an arbitrary line forbidding any detailed descriptions
        >it's ridiculous to me that anyone could find the idea of another person being endlessly tortured justifiable
        You know so little, your intuition is but a meager flame, and your reason is useless until you gain a broader perspective. Why not stop asking meaningless questions and just gently entreat Heaven for the truth? That's the only way anyone gains any genuine knowledge.

        • 5 months ago

          to name his own belief in an afterlife, but draws an arbitrary line forbidding any detailed descriptions
          I'm not denying the possibility that there's *someone* who knows what happens when you die, I just haven't found a reason to believe any particular person who claims to.

  3. 5 months ago

    >because I don't believe in hell
    You're out of luck then, because *all* great religions have knowledge of hell. Your only alternative is atheism, which is of course hell.

  4. 5 months ago

    You can be Christian and argue for either annihilationism (souls die or cease to exist instead of going to hell) or universal salvation (everyone goes to heaven).

    • 5 months ago

      Came here to post this

      If you actually study Christian theology, annihilationism and/or universal salvation are actually better supported by biblical scripture than hell aka eternal conscious torment.

      • 5 months ago

        You can be Christian and argue for either annihilationism (souls die or cease to exist instead of going to hell) or universal salvation (everyone goes to heaven).


        >can't be christian or muslim because I don't believe in hell
        >can't be atheist because I believe in god
        >can't be buddhist because I believe in souls
        >hinduism is too rooted in indian culture for me to properly engage with as an american
        >judaism is an ethnoreligion
        >zoroastrianism is an ethnoreligion
        >shinto is an ehtnoreligion
        >neopaganism is 90% larp
        the frick am I supposed to do? how am I supposed to be religious when no major religion lines up with what I believe?

        I kind of worry about the Christians, like the ones in this thread getting mad at OP questioning hell, they have brittle faith too dependent on fear

  5. 5 months ago

    there are souls in buddhism
    there are practitioners of shinto outside of japan who aren't ethnically japanese

    • 5 months ago

      to clarify, I believe in souls as the immortal, unchanging essence of a person's consciousness similar to the hindu idea of atman, which buddhism(to my understanding) pretty explicitly says doesn't exist.

  6. 5 months ago

    Everyday when you wake up prostrate yourself on the ground and say something like: Blessed be the Most High God, the One True God who created it all. Peace be upon you Great and Magnificent One. Please make me humble so that I can gain understanding about you, who you are and what you want me to do.

    Soon things will become clearer to you.

  7. 5 months ago

    Be a Christian and pray for God to reveal hell to you. He just might.

  8. 5 months ago

    Be a Christian, hell is highly debatable, maybe annihilationism or universalism may be right.
    Over the years honestly I've come to hope more and more that hell is real (Satan definitely is) because some people simply can't go unpunished, but I hope it's the least populated as possible.

    • 5 months ago

      >Over the years honestly I've come to hope more and more that hell is real (Satan definitely is) because some people simply can't go unpunished
      the punishment should fit the crime, no temporal being has ever committed an infinite crime so none of them could possibly deserve an infinite punishment. endless torture is just pointless cruelty and I don't think a good god would allow that. if there's a divine punishment for sinners it would have to be something temporary to be justifiable

      • 5 months ago

        What's temporal about corrupting an immortal soul that belongs to an eternal God? What temporal punishment would you assign to that?

  9. 5 months ago

    I don’t understand people who have beliefs and then need a cult to validate it

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